The number of posts on lemmy has almost exactly doubled since I started posting this comic series.
I don't know what that signifies.
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
The number of posts on lemmy has almost exactly doubled since I started posting this comic series.
I don't know what that signifies.
I'm early to the daily Konsi post :o
It signifies that more Konsis is strongly correlated with more Lemmy activity, so we need more Konsi comics (Konmics?)
This is the internet so technically they're e-Konmics.
I'm mostly coming here for you. There isn't really enough traffic to justify using it the way I would Reddit, but you post this series here and I like it
Honestly, the lack of stuff makes me feel like I actually know this platform
Bumping into same people often and all it feels like a small neighborhood
I've been coming to Lemmy daily since I started following this, love this comic, great style and writing!
perhaps hope and growth in a new place for communities🍀
Go for the eyes, Razira!
Look at her wee bitey teeth, she's a killer!
Oh, a BG2 reference
Is that a green rabbit?
Oh I get it, the color is from Razira.
Edit: also Razira getting to be held like she held Konsi 👌
I find a lot of joy in making polymorphed animals weird colours.
It is content blocked, but I feel assured I know what it is.
What it actually is
Monty Python holy Grail killer rabbit scene
Turns out, the real Killer Rabbit of Antioch was the friends we made along way! (Or, at least, the girlfriend Konsi made along the way)
A classic
Lol that group of muggers looks way too wholesome. They're about to get wrecked.
I think that "look" is just a result of the artist's drawing style. Everyone looks at least mildly adorable.
Let me show you one of the most evil villains I've ever had in any campaign, serious war crimes stuff, torture, mutilation, long-term psychological manipulation...
Konsi can fix them.
Flame strike is a legitimate method of fixing some things, and a good cleric knows this.
The gods give you spells for a reason. Konsi's used every cleric spell up to and including level 5 except animate dead.
Is this a conscious decision for her?
When she gets new spells, she does try to prepare some that she hasn't used each day, so she can try them out and understand them better - so... yes in part. She tries to pick ones that might come up though.
Ah got it. So the opportunity for it just hasn't come yet.
I was wondering if maybe she has some kind of moral opposition to necromancy type spells 😅
Most necromancy spells, no. One of her cantrips is Toll the Dead.
Animate Dead... she doesn't really like that spell.
Somehow gives off that asocial narcistic vibe though?
They do indeed look like a band of plucky adventurers with questionable ethics.
Razira's about to go all Monty Python on these fellas.
Literally the definition of fuck around and find out. I kinda feel bad for them... Kinda.
Is that Bun-bun? Someone give that mini lop their switchblade back!
OK, I feel kinda bad for Razira for drawing that comparison.
God, I love this series
I don’t think that’s a flerkin