Ffs trump and his lackeys making even Sweeney look good
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Yeah, I don’t recall ever reading a Tim Sweeney quote and thinking, “that sounds about right.”
Likewise, I now feel like I need to scrub clean my soul.
Eh he once gave me an all you can drink pass at the after party for a gaming convention in Melbourne.
So the quote is ‘get whatever you want, drinks are on me tonight’.
Its still a complete mystery how I made it back to my hotel with no map, no local knowledge and on foot.
I'm just sitting here fingers crossed that Gabe doesn't "donate" to the orange dipshit....
He's also swimming in Chinese money, so this might not be a purely altruistic statement.
trump has opened the portal to Bizzaro World
For the first time in my life I'm actually agreeing with Tim Sweeney. I hate the guy but at least he has the balls to say it like it is. The rest of them are just cowards.
I'm sorry but if someone is pretending to be a Republican
to gain favor with Trump, skirt antitrust laws, and ultimately 'rip off consumers and crush competitors'
doesn't that just make them… a Republican?
Right? I feel like almost every 'Republican' is just an opportunist that likes to cherry pick the things Republicans supposedly stand for these days. I think any people out there who can say that they wholeheartedly agree with every talking point on the Republican agenda (the ones that don't shift constantly) then they are horrible, horrible, terrible soulless excuses for human beings.
Saammee. He's an endless stream of bad takes, but I find myself in agreement with this
If you have to pretend to be bad to get your own way, maybe you are in fact bad after all?
They're not pretending to be bad, they're pretending to care about what the Republicans care about. They're very openly bad people
They ain't pretending.
Yeah, they may retain a different self-image, but their actions & goals are in line with Republican ideology.
That's rich coming from Tim Sweeney, but hey for once he accidently spoke the truth
The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
You know what they say about broken clocks.
Well Tim you went from a -10 in my books to a -8 with this. Keep it up.
God damnit sweeny. You have had a visit from the ghost of Christmas past or something?
Don’t make me agree with you.
Broken clocks
Doesn't that just make them republicans?
So basically the morality of an opportunistic infection
If you want those things then you are a republican, there's no pretending.
If the democrats would have given them those, they'd have continued their "woke capitalism" arc...
I'm not used to this kind of honesty from CEOs. This is epic
Yeah, I believe the word you’re looking for is capitalism. Unbridled late stage capitalism.
I've done nothing but trash talk this man, but I have to take this opportunity to praise and give him the respect he deserves for calling this out.
Trump/MAGA is a big corrupt scam. After election, CNBC had guests that you should go all in on smaller companies, because "deregulation will be magic for them". Truth is, only those buying Trump's favour will be granted exemptions from blanket tariffs, and will receive H1B worker allotments. Rest of economy will be destroyed. Tesla specifically gain gain significantly by destroying US/Canada big 3 auto production, and fast tracking FSD approval/deregulation. FB/Google will give enough to ensure tiktok ban.
even a broken clock...
If you're at a table with nine Nazis and you don't leave, then the table has ten Nazis at it. History won't care why you were at the table, just that you were there.
I wouldn't call it pretending but... Yeah, no shit.
Guys it was just a prank. I’m not really fascist, I was just pretending. I just gave money to the fascists as a joke, isn’t that funny?
Epic got so much bullshit for - reads annotation - making platform exclusives that were only temporary and helped developers with stable financing with better terms.
After pulling those games off other stores, some of which refused to refund pre orders
One of the only CEOs speaking truth.
Eh? I think they're trying to prevent Musk from becoming an AI god.
More like some kind of sad joke/curse god that thinks its all knowing but really sources all its knowledge from reddit meme threads.
Wild how many men are legit actually pro rape as a policy position (August COUGH)