In Luigi we trust.
Luigi Mangione
A community to post anything related to Luigi Mangione.
This is not a pro-murder community. Please respect ToS.
UHC: 😠😠
Parasite big mad the pedons started noticing the excessive leeching.
Amazing that UHC and their lawyer think they can fuck over a doctor, and then try to force the doctor to lie about UHC did to them.
Yeah, what do they hope to get out of this? If they're worried about damage to their brand/image then threatening a doctor is not helping.
And the plural is part of why. They've always just been able to throw money at the problem.
These kind of reactions always remind me of the quote:
"You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better." - Anne Lemott
You would think that a company dealing with doctors so often would know that they like to keep records, be ethical, and help their patients.
Sounds like healthcare CEOs still unfortunately don't fear being dropped from the life premium plus plan by a 9mm bullet enough.
Look I don't casually condone violence, but these people are unambiguously mass murderers who will see no justice for their crimes, being against violence in this context has become a very complicated question.
I do not relish the multitude of pitfalls this road has waiting to push us into blind hate, that is why leftists like me advocate so hard for universal healthcare.
The violence of denying basic necessary healthcare does not simply happen and then disappear like a flash of lightning, it adds another snowflake to the teetering snowbank up on the mountain.
The potential energy will become kinetic energy at some point, the only real thing in question is whether we will destroy ourselves in the process, which is why advocates for universal healthcare are so incessant and demanding, they know not proactively dealing with this will eventually lead to terrible violence.
being against violence in this context has become a very complicated question.
Reminds me of the French Revolution. Big changes like that were attained through violence. We've rightfully pushed away from violence to become a better society, but it is clear that the changes we want will not be obtained with likes and TikTok dances (or comments like this, ironically). The rich and powerful do not fear the people anymore because of this. People can strike all they want but the elites have learned that they just need to sit and wait (see Gilets Jaunes French protests or Iranian protests) because no one will even dare punch them in the face. Luigi was an exception and they are trying to flag this as a one time incident.
All of this is sickening, to be honest.
Violence never solved anything, unless you look at all of human history.
Just about every good societal change only happened after massive violence. Even in the case of nonviolent movements like Gandhi's Indian independence movement, he probably wouldn't have been successful if the state had responded non-violently. The massive violence inflicted on his movement is what drew international attention, forcing the British to change.
A handful of CEOs getting shot in the head might be seen as a small warning sign that things need to change. If that change doesn't happen, the result might be the kind of chaos you got with the French Revolution.
Say you're a French aristocrat in Grenoble, hit by a flying roof tile. Is the smart move to get a bunch of soldiers to go round up as many civilians as possible and torture them to figure out who threw the tile? Or is the smart move to head back to your estate set your serfs free, give them some of your stuff, and ask them to please spread the word that you're one of the good aristocrats and a man of the people?
The potential energy will become kinetic energy
Brilliant. I'm stealing this. You can't stop me.
My personal favorite insurance story comes from a neurologist I know. They were trying to get a prior authorization approved for a curative hemispherectomy. For those outside the medical field, that basically boils down to removing half of someone's brain to try to cure an uncontrollable seizure disorder. This is usually limited to patients under 4 years old to maximize motor and language development, but I digress. After much arguing with the insurance representative, it was approved on the grounds that the patient only gets one.
After much arguing with the insurance representative, it was approved on the grounds that the patient only gets one.
The representative was afraid that the patient could replace him after the second operation.
If you were to get a second, would you have then one quarter brain left or non at all?
(Obviously this is a joke post)
If were to get a second, you'd work at United healthcare
They seem to always authorize it multiple times for their own adjusters.
Sounds like a no-brainer to me.
I know somebody with a little kid that needed a hemispherectomy like that.
Let me just say fuck that representative in particular. Of course, fuck their managers and executives even more.
Corpo-empathy claim denied.
UHC was so upset about the video that it contacted Clare Locke, a Virginia-based defamation law firm to chase down the doc. Potter said the law firm sent her a letter, dated January 13, that she has posted on her Instagram page. UHC’s version of events is that Potter’s office had filed paperwork incorrectly and that it would never ask her to leave surgery to talk to them
So what does UHC want the doctor to do? “You must promptly correct the record by removing your videos, posting a public apology to UnitedHealthcare, and condemning threats of violence aimed at our client resulting from your posts,” the letter said. It also wants Potter to contact Newsweek and other outlets that reported the story to ask them to remove the stories entirely. Something that Potter would have no power to do, even if she wanted to.
In Luigi we trust. 💚
I'm sorry, you haven't met my "give a fuck" deductible yet.
It's completely broken. Burn it down so we can build something better.
Maybe those assholes should discuss whether it's ok to call doctors in the middle of a procedure?
Sue her for what, exactly? Trying to make the point that your company is pure evil?
that your company is pure evil?
Yes, exactly that. Further proof that the company is pure evil.
They'll do absolutely anything to stop negative public sentiment.
Well, anything except not being pieces of shit.
He’s basically real-life Johnny Silverhand nuking Arasaka Tower and the takeaway from that incident was that it did absolutely nothing.
It pissed off Arasaka. Which, as far as I can tell, was Johnny's goal.
We could name a drink after him.....
Bonus, he's still alive for now. We could even make sure it's a drink he wants named after him.
They're asking for a lot of negative attention. Too bad Luigi is in jail.
With a big enough group we could fix that.
Sufficiently motivated individuals can work as well. As we've seen.
Truth is a defense to defamation claims. If she wants to call their bluff, she should be able to beat them in court. Counterclaim for tortious interference with business. We'll serve discovery on them for how their unqualified deniers interfered with her business. We will also fight protective orders trying to keep that information out of the public's hands.
I am a licensed Texas lawyer. If I wasn't so busy doing other work (I write software professionally today because I got tired of the stress of multi-million dollar litigation), I'd take the case.
Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing!
The important thing is for all of us not to forget.
United’s latest circus act: harassing a surgeon for exposing their Kafkaesque bureaucracy. Peak clownshow.
Potter scrubbed out mid-surgery to beg an insurance drone for mercy. Spoiler: the drone had less medical knowledge than WebMD.
The kicker? United claims they’d never interrupt care while their legal team’s busy interrupting justice. Corporate gaslighting: level 100.
Memo to UHC: rename your denial department “The Luigi Mangione Memorial Rejection Hotline.”
Part of the disconnect from the ruling class compared to us plebs is that they saw us compliant and thought we were totally cool with all this.
But that’s how these things work and there is always a breaking point.
I hope that point involves Elon. It would be nice if he hung around with Mr. Mussolini.
Not just mad… Big Mad! ™
UHC doing a bang up job to change public opinion
If they think, hey can suppress public sentiment by suing that Doctor... their PR team aint doing their work lol
I love seeing the enemy make these mistakes. I don't even have to argue my talking points.
It is scared!
reel where she talks about them calling her
image post with the demand letter
Reel discussing the letter
Am I crazy, or in her signature does it show that her middle name is "House"?
It must have been an interesting experience for any doctor with "House" in their name, in this profession 15 or so years ago.
hero says WAAAAH
you are doing something right if a insurance company gets mad over your tweets/posts.
Well if they want us to stop they can offer actual coverage and service.