So they’re basically low-grade torturing him just because they can?
A community to post anything related to Luigi Mangione.
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So they’re basically low-grade torturing him just because they can?
Not low grade, its straight up actual torture.
Solitary confinement (which he has been put in unprompted multiple times) can make a person go insane, sleeping on a concrete floor with a back that had to be reconstructed can and will cause irreversible damage.
Just because it isn't visible damage, does not make it a lesser form of torture.
Sounds like he must have been right about something.
He's not going to be epsteined. Epstein got epsteined because he knew too fucking much. Luigi doesn't know anything more I do, his use for the ruling class now is example.
Exactly. The turtle suit and "suicide watch" is because you get no blankets, the suit isnt particularly comfy, and a guard gets to bug you constantly to "check on you". It's harassment, plain and simple. They don't want to off him, they want to make him miserable.
I think quite simply, it makes him look crazy.
That, and it is torture. Those suits are cold, like you are in danger of hypothermia at all times cold.
Sure but if his peers decide he gets a reduced sentence or walks, he may become a symbol of much much more. Theyd prefer he "suicides himself".
I think it's a mix of powerful people wanting him dead to avoid using a trial as a platform for his beliefs along with the chance he is found not guilty by a sympathetic jury.
Hard disagree. If he goes on trial and is acquitted (or the jury is hung), that puts a target on all their backs. This is potentially much more dangerous than Epstein.
hmm, that's also right, but I find it hard to believe he would be acquitted
I have no idea why he was arrested.
We were chilling on my yacht in the Mediterranean that day. Tupac brought the blunts.
I think they actually want to protect him because if he dies somehow, he'll become martyr.
I'm sure the CEO has been replaced after his death, so the same should happen with Luigi in the event that happens.
Doesn't seem like we've had any copycats yet despite how many healthcare CEOs out there?
They all hired private security, many left the country and almost all are avoiding appearing in public or having their names known.
People need to show up outside the courthouse and educate anyone who enters about jury nullification
Knowing about jury nullification is grounds to get you off the jury. Juries are already instructed they have that choice (in different words)
It's enough to get you excluded from the jury, but if you are already chosen you deserve to be told explicitly: you can nullify this prosecution if you think it is wrongful
This is jury tampering. As long as violence is not involved, it is only a misdemeanor punishable by a $1000 fine in my state
Ew, I totally would never crowdfund for that kind of behavior. We should share it around if anything so depraved were ever to surface so we never accidentally support doing such things. Despicable.
Every legal mind has been very clear that jurors should not be told about it; people who know about nullification explicitly rely more on their feelings than evidence and are more easily fooled by sympathetic defendants and vice versa. Nullification works both ways, you could convinct without reasonable doubt or evidence, which is also not black and white.
Nullification exists simply because jurors can't be prosecuted for getting it wrong, so they can do whatever they want. But if you join intending to nullify, you technically commited purgery when you swore to "uphold the law". It's a very grey area because we technically want jurors to make informed and fair decisions, not selfish ones. Courts have been clear it shouldn't be explicitly mentioned, but they also haven't banned it because they believe in the idea of everyone coming to the conclusion the law doesn't apply/he isn't guilty of the crime despite clearly doing the thing, rather than declaring him "guilty without punishment". It would be difficult to ban or make a law against this too. They're just saying the law doesn't apply in this case which is reasonable.
Of course in the case of luigi I would totally agree with them letting him walk, but nullification is a fragile thing, especially for those who need to be told directly they have that power. Plus, luigi will at best get a reduced sentence like in crimes of "passion" or for being in a crisis, he likely isn't going to walk.
Edit: I think we can get banned for discussing this, i don't know anymore.
As we are always sure to err, we should err in the direction of mercy.
Interesting points. I would argue that it can't be perjury if you swore your oath before you knew about nullification.
Simple. If ever questioned after by a judge:
"When asked if I knew about jury nullification, you must understand. I personally believe the only way to know something is to experience it firsthand. And so before, I did not know about jury nullification. Now, NOW your honor. NOW I know about jury nullification."
Breaking news: courts unable to find jurors for Mangione case after citizens informed how the law works
Sounds like a plan.
If Luigi dies, he won't be the only one
They're already being so awful at such a massive scale that it's highly unlikely something similar won't happen again. The worse they are to Luigi, the more fuel they throw on the fire that they created.
It's always an option for them to stop doing terrible things systemically. They're the ones who control that, and it's up to them to do it.
I just floated the idea of flying to protest to my partner. 21st is a Friday. We could make it a weekend trip and be stupid tourists (we’ve each been multiple times, so there’s really no motivation to go other than Luigi). We’ll see what she says.
If I lived anywhere near New York I’d be there
Epstein knew too much. Luigi is just hot.
Like they're gonna be able to make Saint Luigi disappear.
They are keeping social media pretty tidy but pepperidge farm remembers
Hey! Don't leave my man alone, brothers, sisters and dear others. Show him we care for him and show him that he did nothing strange to any respectable human being. Greetings from outside the USA.
They are concerned that Conviction gonna inflame the plebs lol