I think it is more like, "if we keep our heads down, maybe we can ride out the next 4 years without much damage."
I don't doubt some in government like the trump style. I don't think they all do.
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I think it is more like, "if we keep our heads down, maybe we can ride out the next 4 years without much damage."
I don't doubt some in government like the trump style. I don't think they all do.
It doesn't matter if all members or all parties in government don't agree to a thing. What does matter is that the leadership does and the rest follow along.
I think that's a reasonable take given John Key actually put his cards on the table pre-election saying he supported Trump because he would be better for business.
Which is a pretty willfully stupid take to be honest, unless when he meant oligarchs when he said what he said.
It's safe to say that John Key was a corrupt politician who lined his own pockets and the pockets of his oligarch buddies while in office.
Yep, you already nailed the answer. John Key was on record before the election hoping for this outcome. Act and NZ first will all be hard AF and eager to duplicate the US dismantling of any progress in the last 50 years and firing of civil servants and experts, and the spiteful rhetoric at the plebian class.
Trump is following the footsteps or Orban who followed the footsteps of Erdogan who followed the footsteps Netinyahu who followed the footsteps of Putin.
I have zero doubt Seymour if ever given the power would follow in the same footsteps and assume complete control over the country and stay in power forever.