So we have Hot Take Thursday. Fuckoff Friday and now introducing and taking submissions for Sasspants Saturday.
I'll go first.
The other night, did a bunch of gyoza as all the fam were together (4 plus bro's new wife). no biggie easy stuff. There's a custom here that we all say 'hey thanks that was nice' even if it wasn't. That didn't happen.
Anyway they're addicticted to their phones which I find rude in a social setting. You're mid convo and they'll just whip it out and browse random shit (so not responding to anything).
Anyway bro's wife eats the last gyoza and the person who does that in my rulebook always should ask 'anyone want that'? doesn't, then heads to the couch to browse whatever shit that was on her phone instead of conversing.
So my parting comment when they were leaving was 'well I'm glad you found the gyoza interesting'.
That is my saturday sasspant.