What if water is also the oldest nickname and its been so long that we forgot what the real name was
Hydro Homies
Water is great
Anyone who discovers water's actual name would have total power over it and command all the seas. Turns out water was actually an eldritch demon whose only purpose was to create a legion of legions of living creatures entirely dependent on it for their survival. One day the being that is water will be ready and their grander plans will see us all conquering the stars.
Probably was like walterburg fluid and eventually simplified to waduh
That's actually speculated to be the case with the word "bear." There was a superstition that saying its true name might summon it.
Bears were the original voldemort
I've heard a few old timers call it "Adam's Ale", so it has at least one
Fun fact: one of the oldest languages with an interpretation of the word "water" is Sumerian from over 3500 years ago.
It was pronounced "ay"
(like Fonzi, not eye)
I’m betting there are many languages which predate that (which we don’t know of) that all have words for water.
You never heard a white guy mishandle some Spanish and call it "Aw Gwa"?
H2Oh yeah
H2flOw (stolen from my wife)
Ooooh. My wife is apparently a comedy thief.
~~Give your wife a high five for me. This one is solid.~~
Apparently, this is @ZooGuru@lemmy.world 's wife.
I'd a mate that called it council pop.
It was grandfathered in from when there was no competition, and therefore no need for nicknames. "I need a drink" simply meant water. The beverage.
sky juice
Some of that double-H O
People buy so many different fancy drinks... For me just tap is enough.
In Scotland it's called "Cooncil Juice"
The Dutch use "gemeente pils" which means local government beer. So that is pretty similar.
Faucet dew? Plumbweiser? No water puns in Englishland?
Edit: Fountain dew!
Good ol' "Wawa."
Wawa? H²0? The drink (golf term)?
Pretty sure the nickname it gets is "H20"
A molecule with 20 hydrogens?
When my little sister was about 3 she would only drink juice. One night i grabbed the juice pitcher, an empty jar and pretended too mix up some juice for her (we always had the frozen juice concentrate), as i poured a glass for her she asked what kind of juice is was. I said 'it is clear juice.'
I am in my 40s now, and she still asks me if i want a glass of clear juice.
Gimme a chug of the ole fish breath
"Water? Never touched the stuff. Fish fuck in it."
Round where I'm from (north of England) people call it "council pop". I suppose the equivalent for the US would be "EPA soda" or "state cola" or something.
Liquid life is nice, but the only time I heard it was when referring to coffee.
Gimme some of that cleary deary
I mean, I say gimme a glass of h2o. I mean... I know it's the atoms but it's kinda a nickname.
Coochie juice lol
You could take the old 'would you support a ban on dihydrogen monoxide' thing a bit further and end up with:
Dihymo. (Die-Hai-Mo)
There ya go. Dumb nickname for water.