Going to try to parse this since I think the title is confusing/misleading:
-A gas station in China is selling Hydrogen fuel much cheaper than you can buy Hydrogen fuel in the US state of California
-The price of the H2 in China is still, at best, about the same price as diesel
-It’s much cheaper in China simply because they’re doing a lot of the innovation with H2 fuel, while also having pretty heavy subsidies
-Hydrogen Fuel is expensive in part because, unlike a traditional gas station where you just have a giant tank of fuel in a reservoir underneath it, H2 has to be stored in a complex compressed fashion
-For this reason, H2 fuel stations can only fill up about 100 cars a day (a normal gas station often gets more than 1000).
So basically, in the absolute best circumstances H2 fuel is now almost as cheap as Diesel right in the location where they’re developing H2 technology.
I’m not a Hydrogen hater. I think it’s a neat concept. But the title is really breaking its back to sound charitable to the tech