It would be legit funny to have a "swimsuit edition" that just provided old-school consumer reviews of swimsuits, evaluating them for comfort, durability, etc. No models, only graphs.
Bronze Age Shawty
Bimbo Ubermensch
fucking excuse me?
of course the cover of their first issue is what appears to be an incorrect drawing of the inside of an AR-15. cause there’s nothing more technofuturist than guns and extreme incompetence
I almost want to read Justin Murphy on The Network State, but not enough to lift a finger
ultra-hermetic metamasonic brotherhood
the neoreactionary movement is a contest about who'll come up with the most new ways to say "jews"
particularly when quite a lot of them (incl Yarvin) are also Jews
it is fucking chef’s kiss that the only reply to whatever the fuck I just read (unauthorized Illuminatus! fan fiction?) is some LinkedIn realtor begging Justin to buy condos from them to use as cult compounds
When the AOE enters the Texas compound, there's nothing there.
Just cryptographically locked black boxes. They can take them, but they can't access or use or analyze them, and we just reboot from backups later.
can't get tortured if your in the cloud
wait that might not be in line with the Sequences
"Urbit? Better check the HD"
who the FUCK is John Galt?
We descend to an underground tunnel system we built without permits using profits from the apparatus.
On our underground DIY bullet train, we arrive at the Appalachia compound before the AOE even breaks down the door [in the Texas compound]
this "virtual enterprise" has managed to build a fucking train tunnel (trains?! how woke!!!) under thousands of miles of private, state, and federal land, without anyone knowing. And what's the prevent the dastardly crypto-Jewish law enforcement from simply deducing the path of the fucking tunnel, and breaking down the doors on both ends at the same time??
These people love to imagine themselves as the French resistance, but with the Gestapo being bungling fools, and their every scheme being foiled by techno-deus-exes being pulled from the author's ass whenever needed.
I looked up both those names. I shouldn’t have.
You’d think I’d learn by now
And now I envy the me of five minutes ago.
how long have you been here
Too long? Not long enough? Either way, every day is somehow worse than the one before.
Welcome to the abyss! It sucks here!
he who posts about urbit should beware. for when you post into the abyss, the abyss also posts into you
It's fine, the Abyss only has a comet, easy to filter out.
Welcome to the club! Here’s your complimentary shot glass
instructions unclear: attempted to shoot self, which way do I hold the glass to do this
bronze age shawty's substack really tries to emulate meaningful artistic analysis but falls flat on its face because it's obviously working backwards from a conclusion. Fascinating.
Bronze Age Shawty
This is the person X/Twitter is underwriting a lawsuit for wrongful termination, after she was exceedingly unpleasant on Shitter.
Also she was fired from Block which is as neo-reactionary a company as you can find.
Edit here's more background, via TechDirt
When confronted about the tweets, Happe lied and said she did not make them. She was then fired a few weeks later. [...] Block has every right to fire her because of its own rights of association, as well as simply because she lied to them. Your right to free speech means the government can’t punish you for your speech, but others have every right (their own First Amendment association rights) to want nothing to do with you. And that’s all that’s happened here. Hoppe is facing the consequences of her disgusting speech.
i lost my cushy tech job because of twitter. the one i worked so hard for in my youth. the one i was going to pull my family out of poverty with. but instead i am a martyr in the culture wars of based capital versus woke capital. i am gaza.
this is so much worse than I imagined. I assumed these were normal models who didn’t want to use their regular stage names for this particular contract so the mars review made up some names for them
because of twitter
I understand there was probably some agency on your part chloe
shawty is a Zero HP Lovecraft character
why do I never learn and insist on googling names dropped by D. Gerard
you love it, you worm
I’m surprised Aella isn’t in it.
Being photographed in a hot tub is too much like showering.
Depends on what liquid is in the hot tub.
Every contributor to the mag has an Urbit handle. Enough said.
that's where the Mars bit came in
can't run a print magazine anymore because of woke
Not sexist at all!
Hurling ordure at the TREACLES, especially those closely related to LessWrong.
AI-Industrial-Complex grift is fine as long as it sufficiently relates to the AI doom from the TREACLES. (Though TechTakes may be more suitable.)
This is sneer club, not debate club. Unless it's amusing debate.
[Especially don't debate the race scientists, if any sneak in - we ban and delete them as unsuitable for the server.]