First of all: That's not how you play chess (left image).
Be sure to follow the rule before you head out.
Rule: You must post before you leave.
The "error" is designed to boost engagement, which makes the post more visible on social media.
And it works.
It’s not how YOU play chess. 😂
Chaos. 💣
This is merely a small step towards the heat death of the universe, but a big one from humanity.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Haven't you heard about Cheskers?
That sounds like an extremely posh nickname.
For a cat.
But it is a double checkmate, which is pretty rare.
Do you have a vibrator in your butt?
Nuh-uh! You touched it, so now you have to follow through. We're playing tournament rules.
Ah, a fellow competitive sex enjoyer
My sexual ELO is listed in bold on my Tinder profile.
"you're getting mated"
“That move has left me wide open”
"I see you've played the Frenchman's cumsock"
“I’ll shove a bishop in my ass”
I'll be black this time.
"This isn't my favorite starting position, but I'll see if I can maneuver things to get better leverage."
"I normally do this by myself. It's nice to have a partner."
Google it.
Holy hell!
That's exactly how I like my anal beads
Holy hell
White knight takes black queen.
You can say anything you fucking want in either context.
i'm going to grin and say checkmate the next time my bf and i
and i'm going to moan and say i'm cumming the next time i'm about to either beat someone or lose to someone in chess
You could also say, for instance, "I believe the autumn's coming in late this year", and what's he going to do? Stop you?
lol knowing my bf if i said something like that he'd say something like "actually i'm pretty sure winter's coming" before he does
Homeboy is dick-deep making a detailed meteorological forecast, my man's got a mind like a steel trap
Who can last five minutes in bed?! That's a ridiculously high standard.
It says 5 moves, which could average 10 seconds or less per move if it's speed ~~chess~~ sex, so a much more realistic standard.
In Polish you can say, sometimes You're pushing a Queen, sometimes You're beating a horse, which are coloquialisms for having sex and masturbating.
The English phrase "beating a dead horse" must be fantastic knowledge for Polish schoolboys.
Excuse me, that is an illegal move.
As long as it's not an illegal sex
There's no way you came up with that move yourself, you're cheating!
Pretty by-the-book so far, let's get interesting.
That's not fast enough to get a promotion.
Go ahead, take me. See what happens.
There's a lot of things you could say there, they would just result in your expulsion from the chess club.
"..shit, I forgot about the bishop"
"Wow, the king really IS useless! Good thing the queen is so versatile"
"Hey! No butt help!"
Complete silence except for the odd quietly muttered 'adjust', and the rhythmic sound of a c(l)ock being slapped.
Patience, please, while I consider my next move.
"What I'm about to do is a pro-gamer move"
Nice breasts
I like your tower move