We're not ok in the USA
You reach into holes in river/lake beds hoping one tries to eat your hand
That's how you get to be the richest person in the world
Aren't most of the RND costs paid for through government grants and donations..
Someone with boxes of classified materials at his golf course?
Modern road isn't just asphalt and rock, there are layers of different rock and dirt packed down to provide a solid structure for it to sit on. Asphalt doesn't have bend strength, it's really just holding everything together.
gtfo of here with sugar in my pasta sauce. It makes no sense and tastes bad.
And boxed macaroni and cheese, hamburger helper, etc. NoW wItH AdDeD SuGAr! Get all the way out of here with that nonsense. Stopped eating it a while ago, but people depend on cheap easy meals.
A court wouldn't uphold this
For poor people, maybe