[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 6 months ago

"Give nuclear weapons to Ukraine. I'm saying that as a leftist." -Slavoj "The Jester of the Empire" Zizek

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 37 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I refuse to believe the europeans are so stupid to go to war with Russia. By their own admission the armed forces of basically all of NATO countries are in such a bad state that it will take decades to recover. No european NATO country has the military industrial capacity to compete with Russia, let alone win. And what little they have in stock already has been transfered to Ukraine. Specially in the case of Germany and the UK. What are they going to do? Fight Russia with the old Soviet and Warsaw pact equipment, run out of it the first week and then buy sone more from Russia? Chauvinism is no replacement for armor and ammo. Why would they think they can fight? Just because the gringos are cheering on them?! I do believe Europe has an enormous debt to the global south, but not to the point of continetal suicide and global catastrophe.

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 6 months ago

I don't know what I hate more: Orwell or the cult around him.

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 7 months ago

Unlimited genocide on golfers


Header translation: "There is no concession." The golf course exploited by Salinas Pliego will become a Conservation Area, AMLO announces.

Salinas Pliego is one of the top oligarchs here in Mexico and until august 2022 the government conceded the use of a golf course and a beach in Huatulco, Oaxaca. The local government has accused this bourgeois mf of illegally extracting around 350 thousand liters of water daily from the nearby conservation areas to water the grass in the golf course. Apparently, the federal government gave Salinas Pliego the opportunity to purchase the terrain with the condition that he would have to pay for the maintenance (because of course, the maintenance was paid by the Fonatur, the National Fund for the Promotion of Turism). Since he didn't answer, the president has moved to nationalize it and declare the area a Conservation Area and merge both the golf course and the beach with the surrounding Conservation Areas to make a national park "for public enjoyment", along with the regularization of the land which is inhabited by around 2500 families so that they can't have it taken away in the future by private business.

No wonder the US is attempting to meddle in the coming elections in Mexico.

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 31 points 7 months ago

Will Russia have it in a few years?

Lmao, Avdeevka was a full on route, soldiers were abandonig their positions contrary to their orders. This could end in a few months, and at this rate could even be a few weeks (tho I doubt so but you never know)

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 8 months ago

Today on The Internet™ I saw someone critizicing China for the zero COVID policy because it "harms the working class" and then someone critizicing China for lifting the zero COVID policy because it "harms the working class." So, China bad I guess 🤷

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This is really interesting, because I too always forget Apartheid SA had nukes. The question then is why didn't they use them? What forces or situations prevented that from happening?

Without going much into the history of said war, I think we can take Russia as a model for what to expect in regards of when can nukes be used, as russian nuclear doctrine is basically only use nukes if the state existence itself is threatened from outside. Nukes have always been a deterrent to prevent the existence of a given state from being threatened by another. During the fall of the USSR the nukes were not an option since the existential threat was from the inside. The question then is: was Apartheid SA existence as a state threatened by the defeat during the war or only its territorial conquest? The end of Apartheid came from both international and domestic pressures, no war to destroy the SA state needed, so the nukes were not an option. So, the russian model still stands: In Ukraine, the state is in an existential threat but they have no nukes and the russians have nothing to fear in regards of the position of the RF state, so no nukes needed.

When we get to West Asia is when things get complicated and dangerous. The question is: Is there an existential threat to the state of Israel? Could a regional war between Israel and the arab countries escalate to the point where the existence of the state of Israel is threatened? In the event of a regional war we won't be seeing a repeat of the 6-days war. The conditions have changed. The entire region may be dragged to the conflict and as many people have said in the arab-english speaking media: this may be the final battle against Israel. I've seen comparisons being made to Saladin or the Battle of Khaibar. Judging by this admittedly skewed vision, the arabs are seeing this conflict as existential to themselves and, even though no one really wants that, if they are forced to go to war they might be willing to go so far as to destroy Israel as a state once and for all. That is a war Israel cannot win, not with the current state of affairs, and that leads us to the nukes.

Since they officially deny they have nukes, we don't really know how many they can wield at any time. They can have just some tens of nuclear warheads, just enough to target strategic places without escalating further. Winning the war by nuclear means (or at least trying to, it may not even be a sure way to end it). Although the consequences of this would be another story. If they have nukes in the hundreds, they might be able to target places further out, like Pakistan, which could spark nuclear Armageddon, so it would all depend if they are willing to do so. This all boils down to if Israel has the need to use the deterrence card. I hope they don't, that cooler heads prevail and a war is avoided, but given the latest US movements (deploying troops and aircraft carrier battle groups to the Mediterranean), it seems the tensions are only going up.

So, to answer you questions:

Is there a way that Iran can aid Hamas without a risk of being nuked?

Clandestine ways I guess.

Is the only way to engage a nuclear-armed state guerilla war waged by internal dissidents?

Currently, most likely. Only internal pressures seem to me to be the most effective in this regard.

I honestly believe that regardless, we are looking at the opening salvos of the Third World War. I hope I'm (and I'm most likely are) wrong about all of this.

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 11 months ago

Well, he's a very smart man, so I'm pretty sure he knows a lot of stuff we don't lol. About the conflict in Palestine tho? Maybe this is just rhetoric

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 11 months ago

From what I've seen about the status of the war in Ukraine, the russians have been pushing in some important areas, so I wouldn't be surprised if what happens is a sudden collapse of the front lol

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 11 months ago

Don't get me wrong, but I don't really think that being a communist or not depends on identity. Wether or not a majority of the people in China identify themselves as a communist is somewhat irrelevant. In most places, specially in countries where communists hold power like China or Cuba, being a communist usually implies being a member of the communist party or some communist organization. That doesn't mean there is no people who identify as communists, just that it is usually not something being thought of as an identity category, and probably a lot of people would say "No, I'm not a communist. I'm not a member of the party".

[-] CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 1 year ago

It is NOT a minor event. Niger is the main source of uranium for France, the US has military bases from which they can project to the Sahel, like the other coup governments in the region it seems they are close to Russia, the threat of a military intervention by the ECOWAS in behalf of the west has the potential to drag most of west african states into a bloody war. You may not agree with the coup, you don't have to agree, but you should not dismiss it. It has the potential to provoke a major conflict in Africa in which Russia, France and the US may be involved just like in Syria or Ukraine.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CommieBeetle@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

And I thought Reddit was bad...

I want to preface with this: 1. I'm not western. I don't think anyone in this world would consider my country part of the west or the imperial core. I'm from the global south and working class. 2. I'm young and only a couple of years ago started engaging with marxist theory and as a consequence the online western left. And 3. Everything here is my opinion and some details escape me due to the fact that I don't follow the discussion on the internet 100%. While I spend a lot of time online, most of that time is not wasted on Twitter or Reddit or what not. That being said, this is an insomnia induced rant aimed mainly to my american comrades, but anyone else in the western/anglo sphere also can take something useful from here. I don't know.

I started following western/internet leftists on twitter recently as a consequence of me making a twitter account. I've come to the conclusion that the western/western adjacent left (ie. All the anglosphere) is completely useless staying on the internet in any capacity. American and european communists debate the dumbest possible shit and reach no useful results. Motherfuckers agree on 99% of things and start attacking each other like rabid dogs for the stupid 1% in which they disagree. I wouldn't even call it infighting because that would compare it with the debates and disagreements of the historic left like the Bolsheviks. But the Bolsheviks were debating and discussing actually important thing while actually doing something, while going to the people and organizing. Imbeciles do jackshit and pretend that by attacking someone else on twitter they are achieving something valuable or reaching to the people and making a change. Their "propaganda" is garbage. While the people that actually do something to bring about the revolution aren't concerned by their idiocy. The example of this are the "discussions" that a lot of "leftists" have had with Ben Norton recently and that is what compeled me to write this rant.

In my opinion Ben is the best journalist out there. Both with the ideological conviction and the actual ability to do the job of journalism with integrity and courage to denounce the capitalist rulers, and his work clearly shows it. Similar to the people at The Grayzone but actually a communist. And by the way, it is clear that that is the line along which he "broke" with Blumenthal.

Ben, having seen with his own eyes the hell brought to Latin America by the United States (living in Nicaragua), naturally empathizes with the struggle and the outlook of the people towards the US. But people on twitter still attacks him or disagree with him on completely delusional matters.

One example: Noah from Midwestern Marx. I love Modwestern Marx. Carlos and Eddy are some of the best propagandists you americans have right now. But twitter really damages any possibility of reaching the masses significantly. his disagreement with Ben is about the US flag. Ben is on the opinion (rightly so), thay the US flag represents terror, war, imperialism, death, to the people's of the world. And that US communists should NOT use a symbol like that to rally the people. Noah disagrees and says that using that symbol has been democratically elected by the people (?). Not only that, he states (without a grain of evidency and clearly not even listening or reading what Ben actually says) that Ben is "reading too much Sakai and not enough Lenin"... WHAT THE FUCK?! And then he doubles down and defends the use of that flag by some indigenous people in the US. Needless to say, but I'm saying it anyways, colonized people holding their colonizer's flag doesn't make it a good flag.

Some others, like Xiangyu of all people, post stupid shit like "Oppose the Nortons" (mf you are not Mao) or call Ben a radlib, and being rude in general. Straight up infantile shit. And oh, while also self righteously calling people that disagree with him "degenerates" all while saying he laments Dugin's daughter assassination (a whole other can of worms).

I hate that that is the state of the left in the US and adjacent. And I hate that I saw that shit willingly. If you american communists don't get to work and do a revolution soon, the rest of the world will, with or without your support, and things will get ugly, like, really ugly. For us, but specially for you.

I post this all not because I think the details matter, they don't. But to illustrate the point that as long as you keep falling to the trap of social media like twitter (it makes you angry by design), you won't achieve anything. And the people that will do something will be the worst elements of the western society, either on the right or pretending to be left (coff coff Maupin). The west, and specially the US, have a way of shaping your mind that I have seen too many times, both online and offline. Shake that shit out of you. It is making you inhumane and ineffective, and the bourgeoisie is winning thanks to that.


I found this edit on the internet some years ago and decided to share. The original had the other nazi flag.


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