What's bothering me is, mathematically that is the answer, but practically the apple is a non uniform shape so you cant really determine where a third of the apple truly is and it has seeds in the middle meaning two of the kieces will have seeds one the one getting the two cut off pieces won't so its not truly shared equally.
Must be a pre-Brexit window.
I feel like millennials have a "It is what it is, guess ill work til I die" attitude whereas Gen Z have more of a Bartleby the Scrivener "I'd rather not" energy.
I'm an engineer. I'm on my phone looking at memes until someone asks me a question, then I do a thing in 5 minutes that they expected to take 5 days because people don't understand computers, then I go back to the memes.
Stranger on the internet: Let me tell you why you are wrong to enjoy this thing and should feel terrible for having the gall to even try.
Step 1: Learn to DM Step 2: Ask literally every person you meet to play
After 5-10 years you'll have 2 people with waning interest and little time to play at a table.
Man, this destroys my argument that all 12 year olds should vape. Boy do I feel silly.
Without the cam how is YouTube supposed to know you are drinking your verification can?
You clearly have never experienced the dark underbelly of the sign spinning subculture.
I have an acquaintance who, if anyone ever talks about the subject of sex Ed around, he will insist that they will just teach the kids about blood play and it will spread STDs.
So that's the level of logic we may be dealing with here.
I think it was set up when AIDS was spreading amongst the gay community before they had a test for it.
Of course, now they can both test for it and it spread well beyond the gay community for a while so it's ridiculous that it was still a thing.
There is no world in which that machine is under a million dollars.