In Trump's mind there's no objective laws or standards that apply to everyone, all punishment and reward is subjective, transactional, and doled out based on what team they're on and what stands to be gained.
It seems like an intentionally misleading title to get clicks.
From an evolutionary standpoint we just have to survive long enough to reproduce, if we can't eat past age of reproduction there's no evolutionary pressure to change that.
Thank goodness for modern dentistry.
So much for capitalizing on Chrome's missteps when it comes to ad blocking I guess
The race is still damned close.
Biden was a fine president in my opinion, and this impulse to throw our best chance with a proven track record under the bus because of one bad debate boggles the mind. Such a position only serves to help Trump.
Every personal criticism against Biden is also applicable to Trump only in a far worse and more dangerous way.
Wake up.
Fostering party disunity on the left helps their boy Trump far more.
Dewey stars in the darkest episode of Malcom in the Middle
Because he's a billionaire he gets away with doing things that would destroy a normal person over and over again, I don't like the tiered consequences that our society exhibits.
My understanding is that's true for muscle mass. However, if they transition after puberty like Lia Thomas did, height and wingspan will remain; both of which confer huge advantages in swimming. Apparently that's a major reason why Michael Phelps did so well, his arm span is ridiculous.
I'm sick of the concept it represents.
It's been four ducking years, should have been plenty of time to prosecute everyone, including Trump