
joined 1 month ago
[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 2 points 3 hours ago

Lol. Having travelled Africa for almost five months, they toil relentlessly. Anyway, think of the great service you are providing and the money, don't forget the money.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 2 points 3 hours ago

Ok fair enough you do have a point. However, surely we can't blame one cock head for making 74 million people cock heads.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 6 points 6 hours ago

Well It's Saturday morning here in Australia. Yesterday I finished work at noon as is normal at this job. Had a Chiro appointment, then got home, had a beer then headed out to my block of land to mark out where I want my shipping containers placed. That's happening in the next few hours.

I then came home, drank a few more beers, watched a spy movie and had a few Jim Beams and Coke. Went to bed early as I get up at 3:40 am for work so I'm rather tired by early evening.

I'm from Stockport originally, I'm assuming that you're in the UK somewhere ? Cheers. Enjoy your weekend.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

I don't agree with this at all. I mean I could stick my dick in a woman's bottom, but I could'nt get a woman to fuck me up my bottom with her dick.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 1 points 6 hours ago

An actual LOL from me, thanks.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 2 points 6 hours ago

Well there's also keeping your socks on, not making eye contact or saying "no homo" just afterwards too. So I'd say that there's no "standard definition" but many variants.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 2 points 6 hours ago

Oh fuck now I'm confused. I don't know what I should do this weekend, eat some broccoli, fuck a dude or murder someone.

Ohhhh I think I have a plan......

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 3 points 7 hours ago

Go and implement your way of doing it then, get back to us. Otherwise, STFU from your warm home with, I assume, little experience of the concerns of homeless people. Even if I'm wrong on that last part, please just be happy about something positive going on without sticking your keyboard nose in it.

Go outside and talk to someone. Maybe a homeless person.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 3 points 7 hours ago

Sounds like a plan. Oh yeah it is a plan. Well the world is definitely shifting and not being reliant on the U.S. will hopefully be a good thing. But damn that orange shit stain anyway. Talk about " came in like a wrecking ball ".

I can't fathom how he is still allowed to be doing all of his destruction, I mean if it turns out that all his plans do some good in the end then I'll happily say I was wrong about him, you never know. But I'm rather sure I'm correct and he's messing with too many things. ( Of course it's not just him, we know that )

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 16 points 7 hours ago

Well that is a surprise. I had assumed they were now free. Well here's hoping they spend decades imprisoned and we never have to hear from the shit goblin ever again.

OK, I hope to hear about some of his wonderful experiences in prison, may they all be horrible.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 22 points 7 hours ago (4 children)

Whilst I sympathise with you and the millions that didn't vote for him, you can't blame him for the millions that decided that vaccinations are a dumb thing that shouldn't be accepted.

This is feeling like "Covid 2" all of a sudden. Good luck over there, your country is going through a massive change, and it doesn't feel like a good one. Peace and love from Australia.

[–] DiaDeLosMuertos@aussie.zone 3 points 18 hours ago (2 children)

Well enjoy Saturday then, and your day off in the week ? Look, just be bloody thankful will you, children are starving in Africa.


Oh yeah I'm so arty right.....


Where is this ? Oh and It's not in Brisbane central so I might be breaking a rule here. Sorry.


My phone makes these collections. Pretty cool I reckon.


Not perfect, not bad. Just a pic.


This is from about three years ago. My phone keeps showing me memories, so I should share I reckon. Cheers.


This is how it looked. No filter, taken with a cheap Motorola.


No filter. No doctoring. Taken with Motorola phone. Cheers.

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