Personally I can get behind YMD and DMY (while sticking to ISO would be preferrable for obvious reasons), but what on earth possessed people to come up with MDY?
Orchis Italica
It was great, the reveal leaves a bunch of loose ends though. I wonder if that is by design, it might pop up in the next season.
i guess it just sounded better than Chrischris
I can see how that happened
That's the highway, probably better to just follow it.
"Sir, this is a Hooters"
what about alpine?
Oh, I meant as opposed to previous windows versions.
Their theoretical energy density are half of what lithium achieves. While their price and ecology probably makes sense in some cases, good luck marketing an ev with half the range, or a cellphone that lasts half a day.
joined 1 year ago
that's the above comnenters point yeah