Ebike build my brother just made.
Hi I'm a machinist and fabricator that likes hunting and lives in the south. Trucks are terrible. You should need proof that you need one to own one.
Yeah i didn't know they actually trapped the souls of the 64 original Nintendo employees in it.
Something is going on down there. I'm from Texas. My family is still there so I go back often. It's so radicalized there that Arkansas feels like a blue state in comparison. North Texas in particular has lost its fucking mind.
I get this is satire, but how the fuck do you even cook a steak that bad. Is it boiled?
Wow. I'm disappointed this was posted.
Yeah they're cousins.
As long as it doesn't lead to the eugenics wars.
Oh shit, here we go again.
Yes. I have a geology degree. How else am I supposed to distinguish apatite from halite. I've licked many rocks. Mineralogy, petrology, and sedemenary Rocks and fossils all had finals that involved having 50 rocks in front of you to identify