So they admit there are predatory Muppets.
Horses today yes. They are built incredibly efficient compared to yesterday's horses. Better ligament material, lighter and stronger bones, not to mention the carbon muscle fibers.
I would love this this feature to be implemented in IOS. This could be used for several applications like pushing more people to Linux.
I think more people are coming here for my comments and delusions of grandeur.
Look the law is the law and police have to enforce the law. Except for their friends and family or city officials. Or if they just don't feel like enforcing the law. But other than that the law is the law!
Just start bulldozing them and only talk about DIY home projects. "OMG you should see our new deck. Steve wants to stain it but I really like the bare look."
Doesn't matter. Vote like he is and make sure to keep him out!
When my wife and I went through bankruptcy we didn't get any student debt relief. And now the want to give people student debt relief!? That's awesome, we should be trying to help people out of debt any way we can.
You can't compare a first world country to a third world country.
They should exist, but we are not utilizing them correctly. Once someone has reached a billion dollar networth then they are thrown a big party and then sacrificed to a valcono. I believe this would curb emissions and fix climate change.
I'm an Engineer. I am not customer facing. Put my pen back.
That is an endorsement in of itself.