Some people enjoy making it a little low-pressure business.
There are quite a lot of us morons in the world. So many, in fact, that Netflix struggled to stream it to all of us. Clever or not, everyone involved got what they wanted.
States are not people and should not be given any extra power simply for being a state.
Lego would like a word with you.
Or they did read all the comments, but someone posted their game during the time they were reading, so they never actually saw it. Then they posted their game and looked a stinky non-reader even though they weren't.
The "focal length" of our eyes is a subjective number, because our retinas aren't flat and our attention doesn't cover our whole field of view at the same time.
The searches spike after every election and this one was no different than any other year.
Compared to shrimp scampi, an example search I stole from another thread on this topic, it's pretty clear the searches are meaningless and not tied to this particular result.
You mean the current, ongoing plague that is never going to go away?
This man ran into the weirdos on Mastodon. I'm over there hanging out with people posting about ass-pennies and no one cries "content warning!" You're the one who decides who you follow and who follows you. If your hanging out with folks too sensitive for your liking, that's on you.
People listing Hawaii like they could meet the total US demand, even if they could scale to maximum production overnight.
Most of the corn we eat is Brazilian. Most of the corn we grow is feed corn for cows and process corn for HFCS and other processed food ingredients.
That is a laughably stupid tax policy.
The salaried exception floor hasn't been raised in forever, it needs to go way up.