This is how business works. Nadella doesnt give a fuck about who the president is. He is sucking up to whoever sits on the throne so he can continue to sell them their products. Theres politics and theres ideology, the two are often different.
We live in a society.
I feel like men do have it tough and when men start talking about it, they get shutdown and told to be a man. Boys dont cry afterall. So some men may feel its unfair when women speak up and are heard. So they want to make it about them. In the comic, just as the men are dismissive of woman problems, she is dismissive of mens problems. Instead of attacking an unfair weath class system, we bicker about shupid shit like men vs women. Its not race, gender or sexuality we should be discussing. Its social, weath classes.
Valve gives you access to a game and tells you not to spew your mouth off. A gentleman's agreement if you will.
You spew your mouth off and valve takes access away.
shocked pikachu face
This is a non-issue of you ask me. A person, who happens to be a writer, got access to the game through a steam friend and was asked not to talk about it but thought they could just not agree to a warning and write about it anyway? I got access too and i didnt write about the game. I get to go back and play it today, they cant.
Not sure why a for profit corporation would limit its market to a specific, politically oriented, demographic. Especially when that corporations product is body hair removal - a process very much detached from all political and most social discourse.
More like the other way round.
You can stream steam games to your phone with steam link thought.
CDPR should stop hyping their games so much and just focus on making a good game. Announce and release in a 6 month window.
Hot take: none. Let information flow free. Take it with the good and the bad. Don't lock yourself in an echo chamber.
Until some locked down tv/console type device asks me for a password.
I think they ment a counter like 1..2..3.. Not a counter you approach that seats an employee.
But I was told America is the land of the free. Have I been misinformed?
Microsoft probably happily provides any data about its users to law enforcement requests already and they always have. Businesses always do. If you dont want it in the hands of the law, use services which dont store any of your data or are in locations without jurisdiction and/or corruption.