If only it had been you then, eh?
"They wanted to die." Helluva an argument. Kudos
No hurry. Rome is just burning. Take your time. Don't forget to consider how your actions will impact your investments first, however. That's what's most important after all. We want you guys to be completely comfortable. No worries, we'll take the bullets while you figure things out and come up with a plan of action.
Why would they care when they voted for the biggest slimeball of all the billionaires?
Why are we coming up with nonsense scare tactic arguments? He's obviously just going to divert federal funds to himself via his companies.
He has no need for a bunch of shitters' SSN when he would just open himself to the greatest class action in history because it would take about 100 million of us to make him any significant wealth.
Last year there were numerous articles about how the economy was doing so well but average people were extremely pessimistic. This confusion and divide highlights why it is and always will be about the economy. The economy is extremely unequal. When it's good, people don't realize it because nothing changes for them. Boiling it down to "good" and "bad" economy is exactly the myopic viewpoint the Dems have and why they will continue to lose.
Ah, yeah, and this highlights another issue. Therapists are in short supply in most of the country. If you're in a major city, you'll have a lot of options, but in a 2nd or 3rd tier city you will have limited options, at least in my area.
Well, for instance, BetterHelp is not covered by any insurance, and that's probably the most accessible therapy for everyone. It has more to do with your therapist than the insurance. You probably have dealt with providers that work with insurance. I'm telling you there are a lot that don't for the reasons I outlined.
I also think you're lucky or either the insurers are getting more bold about denying coverage. I've had to fight insurer's on two separate occasions regarding therapy.
No, it's the economy, stupid.
Racism and bigotry are just the keys that they dangle to keep people distracted. But it is not why people vote. Trump voters actually believe he is going to make America great again. It's stupid, but you have to consider how non-existent the Dem's alternative vision is.
It's common for the people who can afford it. Health insurance will fight you on covering it and most therapists try to operate with as little overhead as possible because it is not as reliable as primary care, for example. In other words, therapists generally don't like dealing with health insurers on the patient's behalf. It costs too much for them. This means that most end up paying out of pocket and it does not go against their deductible. I would put a rough estimate that really only the top 40% of earners in America have realistic, reliable access to it. And it will be a significant financial burden for those below top 20% of earners. Which means they will be unlikely to stick with it long-term.
False dichotomy.