Then they dare to go buy some fucking avocado toast and a mokke lattchiato or whatever the hell, on their fucking bikes with THEIR FUCKING HELMET ON!
Yeah, sometimes I just want to mindlessly scroll. Like now.
It can be definitely done. I think it shouldn't be too hard to optimize for scale, should it?
People who people don't know who know
It could be, maybe, just maybe, and here me out here, that the comic is not the absolute, actual depiction of one's day to the second, just a generalism to get through the point. Which can be done through not too dense heads which are able to do a bit of imagination and not taking a comic literally. Geez.
They seriously named it Whoosh?
Nah, we should use some freedom aspect ratio, like 1.47266478:1.984772673
You mean "I'm sorry John"?
We use the ISO-8601 date and time format, mostly. We separate the portions by points, not dashes, though. So a typical date looks like this: 2023.12.22. If we shorten it without the year, it's 12.22., or 5.12. We say it with just the numbers, without the points, and shorten "hónap" (month) to "hó". So its "5. hó 12", basically "5th mo' 12".
For time we use the 24H format, regularly even in everyday speech. If it's very clear that you are in the late afternoon or evening, you just say "6 o'clock 24" or "13 o'clock 46".
So always from bigger to smaller "powers". It's auto-sorted on most filesystems, table of contents etc. and very clear in everyday use. It's nice.
Are you fucking sorry?
Okay, thank you. Anyway: is here somebody who actually knows WHY this happened? What was the underlying cause for our ansestors to start using it? What were they trying to achieve or solve? (UNINTENTIONALLY, okay, we got it.)