
joined 2 months ago
[–] 11 points 15 hours ago (6 children)

It's not, it's not having to do the math or the remembering. The brain is a muscle, when you have your phone doing all the hard work it doesn't need to be as buff. LLMs will worsen this problem even more. Microplastics? Maybe single digit consequences.

Expect reddit comments to get removed without notice, users to sporadically get banned here and there, while that uptick continues. Reddit has been pretty good at this for years, in the sense of controlling the narrative without raising any obvious flags. The only thing that's surprising is that they are no longer treating Reddit as damage control, but just another social network to control. I guess when the authoritarianism is as overt as it currently is, there's no longer any reason to hide the manipulation as it becomes a liability to allow the already controlled narratives to persist.


Putin is the biggest oligarch in Russia.

[–] 39 points 1 week ago (4 children)

You are right, but as citizens in nations, we can only demand solutions at the national level. Right now in that regard the problems are with the oligarchs in Russia and the oligarchs in the US, and they have control each of their respective countries. We are very well aware that there are rich assholes willing to play to Putin's tune in many of our countries and that they are financing opposition parties considerably.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] 17 points 1 week ago (4 children)

This is wrong. He's just following the narrative that he has already made previously, that he's only able to be there because "Biden rigged the election" when he was ranting he was not going to be able to be there, and that it is only because he was able to win after "Biden's rigged election" that he is able to be there. Upvote this and perpetuate this if you want to easily be shot down as a hoax perpetuator.

Sincerely, A guy who literally believes Trump going to shift the US into an authoritarian dictatorship during this mandate.

Fine them and repossess all their assets since they are a flight risk.

The same sort of anything goes market disease that is causing severe GPU scalping. When you break and show that there should be no trust or respect for society, you begin reeking people just obsessed with exploiting the systems. And the US is so very much this now, it is a dying, decaying, heavily diseased superpower becoming authoritarian dictatorship that is only going to spread the sickness around until it is gone.

How would they know he's a neozionist from just your comment? But this seems to be a trend, also happened on reddit's worldnews, although the support for the brigade there was quite explicit and was actively used to try to prop up the "War on Israel" to the same level as Ukraine long after Iran had been dealt with.

It's petty shit like that, trying to eliminate people from conversation so they don't have to deal with anyone with a history of supporting one of the good guys criticizing their genocide and ruining their "but we are also the good guys" narrative. Sort of why they get so defensive when they pull up the antisemitism label that Palestinians are also semites and that many groups that are antisemitic are also generally islamophobic outside of their hate circle with Arabs. These neozionist brigades have remained active long after Act-IL.

Kill one rich guy - complete and utter censorship.

Be a rich guy who is a twice impeached convicted felon presidential traitor making decisions resulting in casualties over the thousands - whoah, now, wouldn't want their feelings to be hurt!

State of the world in a nutshell.

[–] 28 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The fact is, banning X is free political points. The moment a country does it, it will domino into other countries doing it as well, and they will be seen as having been the leader and first of the movement. They should make sure users know of the federated alternatives before they do so, though.

"Transgenic sounds pretty close to transgender, and our base is full of idiots - what if we say they are transgender mice and then do that thing where we double down and laugh at the replies of our critics to get more publicity because all our base cares about is the mob mentality of joining in on the circlejerk of acting better than them even though there's no substance to back it up?"

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