[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 47 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

TLDR: the polio vaccine used to contain weakened versions of the three strains of poliovirus. When weakened live virus vaccines are used, the people inoculated with them shed copies of those viruses, which is usually no big deal... except that one of those weakened polio strains would, very rarely, mutate back into its full-strength form and sicken unvaccinated people living around those who were being vaccinated.

Eight years ago, the decision was made to remove the problematic strain of polio from the vaccine, because it was thought low wild infection rates meant that the risk of vaccination-derived infection had become higher than catching it from the environment. Regrettably, it seems that decision was made in error -- type 2 polio outbreaks have soared since then.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 53 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

From the industry journal I linked in another comment -- it's literally just an off-the-shelf Mireo Plus B. That's it. The only thing Tesla about it is that it's serving a spur line connecting Tesla's factory to the existing Berlin light rail network, and was presumably financed by them for the PR benefit of not having the workers at an electric car factory arrive by diesel train.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 45 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

With regard to this specific issue, you don't even have to go looking for cases of young women being discouraged from reporting rape and sexual assault allegations against promising young athletes, because "think how you could hurt his future prospects" -- examples are so plentiful that you can't help but find them if you spend any time reviewing sports news. It's really only been in the last decade or so that anybody has seriously pushed back against the idea that Johnny Sportsball's ability to score points for the local team is more important than the safety and bodily autonomy of women.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

Funny how the self-proclaimed vanguard of the radical left are just incoherent anti-western reactionaries wearing Marxism like a fig leaf, isn't it? Like, I'm all for breaking down the current neoliberal capitalist hegemony, but you've gotta have a hole in your head to want to replace it with a literal crime syndicate masquerading as a government or an oppressive hyper-capitalist dictatorship with imperialistic ambitions.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 51 points 3 months ago

Gale is my least-favorite party member from a personality standpoint, so I asked my wife why she's always romancing him in every playthrough. She said, "I dunno, why would I be attracted to an autistic-coded nerd who talks like he ate a thesaurus?" and I don't know how to process that.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 44 points 4 months ago

Through the course of my career I've somehow lost office space as I've ascended the corporate food chain. I had a private office/technician room in my first job out, then had an eight foot cubicle with high walls, then a six foot cubicle with low dividers, and then the pandemic hit. The operations guy at the last place was making noises about a benching arrangement after RTO, like people were going to put up with being elbow to elbow with Chris The Conference Call Yeller and Brenda The Lip Smacking Snacker while Team Loudly Debates Marvel Movie Trivia is yammering away the next row over.

Hell, if it meant getting a space to myself with enough privacy to hear my own thoughts I might consider giving up my current WFH gig. But everybody's obsessed with building awful office hellscapes and I don't have the constitution to put up with that kind of environment.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 65 points 4 months ago

The heyday of the Eve Online subreddit was great for this shit, and it was always good for a laugh when something that made complete sense in-game hit r/all and started freaking people out. Some bangers were:

  • How do I sell a hanger full of corpses?
  • I just killed someone for the first time! I'm so excited!
  • Does anyone know if drug production is a good source of income?
  • I want to kill someone, I need help.
  • Did you ever regret killing someone?
  • Industry Question: Drug Labs
  • Assasination Request
[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 60 points 5 months ago

The management agency that leased the house I lived in while I was in college tried to withhold our security deposit because we didn't provide proof of carpet cleaning.

The house had all hardwood floors.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 48 points 6 months ago

I'm a bit squeamish, so I arranged myself so as to be seated basically next to my wife's head, facing the wall, and was laser focused on holding her hand and maintaining eye contact with her.

Meanwhile, the delivering doctor was narrating a play by play as our kid went from just barely crowning to head fully out in three contractions, and then she just had to maneuver his shoulder free and he popped out on the fourth push. Three random things I will never forget from that night:

  • The doctor seeing the umbilical cord and announcing "That's a man that likes to eat!"
  • The doctor further complimenting my wife that she "rocked that thing out like it was her job"
  • One of the nurses looking into the hazmat bucket they'd packed the placenta into and muttering "Jesus Christ..."

Overall, 10/10, never doing it ever again.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 66 points 6 months ago

I told my wife that from a genetic standpoint starfish are disembodied heads crawling across the seafloor on their mouth, and she was so squicked out that she left the room... Which was, in fairness, my intent, so, uh... mission accomplished?

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 49 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I used to know a poli-sci researcher who was trying to take a big-data look at the success and failure of revolutions, taking in variables like "how many demonstrators rallied against the government?" "How many dissidents were disappeared by internal security forces?" and even things like "how many bullet holes are there on the buildings around the main protest venue in the capital?"

I asked him once if he'd discovered the secret to a successful revolution, and he just grimaced at me.

[-] Thrashy@lemmy.world 47 points 8 months ago

I don't know about manufacturing environments but I deal with laboratories a lot, and I'm a bit baffled at how quickly lab operators have jumped on battery-operated wifi sensors for lab monitoring systems. I have like three room sensors attached to my EcoBee thermostat at home and I can barely be assed to change the batteries in those things, I cannot imagine dealing with batteries and connectivity troubleshooting for a building full of sensors whose reliable operation is often critical for regulatory compliance. Seems like the perfect application for PoE systems, to me

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