There are, but are recommended against. Since they expose all the pins in a way it doesn't happen normally in the connector. If a device is not 100% perfectly protected you might send 20V in a data line that's expecting <1V, therefore frying something.
Google never cared enough.
This has been an issue since at least Android 4, granted some SD cards are terrible at random IO.
Sonst ist falafel Döner/Yufka ganz nice :)
Doesn't sound normal to me. But those newer CPUs can scale the frequency extremely fast, so looking at the numbers in Task Manager might not be too meaningful.
Didn't have any heating/fan issues on a 13th gen Framework Laptop 13 in either Windows 11 or Linux. But haven't exactly looked at the clocks either. And don't have access to those notebooks currently.
But the hardware vendors can mess up either thermal paste/cooling in gerneral, or force weird clock behavior via the bios/efi/acpi tables.
Bei der DKB ab 700.
"Nach vorherigen Unglücksfällen wurden die Vorschriften zum Transport bereits zum Teil verschärft. Batterien müssten entladen sein. In Zukunft soll der Umgang mit auftretenden Bränden besser trainiert werden." [ ] die Person die das entschieden hat hat Lithium Batterien verstanden. Der Akku ist dann relativ leer, aber entladen geht nicht weil sonst ist der Akku defekt.
Hi there,
I've used an older Mac for quite a long time and have a clue what this might be.
Your computer most likely thinks either it's overheating like crazy or thinks the battery can't handle the power draw from the battery and tries to do anything it can to prevent a crash.
It has two strategies to do so: 1) Hardware wise it clock the CPU and GPU down as far as it can, depending on CPU model it might disable all but one core.
2) Software wise it will spawn those processes, back in the day I think it was thermald?, might have changed since powerd and configd sounds about right to do "nothing" in a loop with the highest priority. Therefore cooling the cpu down because it doesn't have free time to do actual meaningful work.
You could verify this by running MacsFanControl or iStat Menus and check if a temp sensor or current sensor or voltage sensor goes crazy and reports weird values.
But as the computer actually crashes it's probably the knockoff battery cant keep up with your computer and needs replacement again. I'd recommend an iFixit battery, or try contacting rossmann repair and see if they can offer a more compelling option.
Good luck!
If you are in the European Economic Area (EEA), UK and Switzerland Nintendo will fix your joycons for free. If you are anywhere else, just buy some new sticks and replace them.
Even Desktop CPUs stop getting security updates. Intel 7th gen is on the chopping block soon.
Only thing I miss is Google shopping sometimes. That actually is really useful when you need a super obscure part that's not available on ebay or Amazon and just sold on three random websites. Google shopping will show them and let you compare prices perfectly.