Nah fuck that noise. Banning books from libraries is dumb

And then won't work if the Wi-Fi is down

Could have been against the law if they knew they had compromised package labels that displayed porn to children and they did nothing about it.

Okay...? Why would you want to though? Just want to kill a lot of people for no other reason than, "but I have the right to!"

Prioritymaxxing Eldencel

I didn't think about it pretty much before learning about sex.


I went into thinking it'd just be another generic Disney animated movie that my sister kept pestering me to watch.

Ended up crying at that last 15 minutes of the movie. Wow was it good.

Dude I've had that exact same thought. Like, yeah, the subscription is where everything is. I never use the regular home page, my bookmark for YouTube goes to my subscription.

There's zero need for me to use the bell. I never understood why people complained about videos not showing up, etc.

And who says China would be happy if Russia nukes the west? They make up their biggest trading partners.

Basically anything political, anything not in English, and anything that starts with "Fuck xyz" because those communities are always toxic as hell.

What a nothing statement. I can just as easily coerce an "AI" chatbot into having the opposite stance. What a robot says doesn't mean anything.

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