[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 6 days ago

I admit I have no idea how to respond to that. Every vegan has different views on their lifestyle. I have two dogs, they eat kibble that has meat in it (they are very picky idk if I can change them to a vegetarian kibble), I homemake simple peanut butter biscuit treats for them, and I brush their teeth with meat flavored toothpaste. This is ok to me but is probably out of line for others. Some vegans would never own a cat and would rather own a rabbit or guinea pig instead. This vegan believes more that we shouldn't have pets apparently. I don't have this view so I cannot defend it other than they are trying to reduce harm in their own way.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 7 points 6 days ago

Holy shit. Well, I hope the community can move forward from this.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com -3 points 6 days ago

I've responded to this before and no one cared but here is the original thread since everyone has greatly exaggerated what was said about cats who are obligate carnivores not obligated to eat meat per se.


[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com -1 points 6 days ago

Well it gets fatiguing to debate all the time, especially when some people are just trolling. But you can ask questions like what do you do for protein, B12, iron, etc. without debating. What are some staples that vegans eat, is it easy to make vegan food, how expensive is vegan food, what does a balanced vegan meal look like, what are some recipes, etc. Even asking can a person thrive on a vegan diet through all stages of life and you'll probably be given an article or recommended to watch Game Changers.

I think they want to stop the antagonistic people, especially if all they want to do is say: it is only natural to eat meat/we evolved to eat meat, humans have dominion over animals, animals don't have feelings, vegans are just being overemotional aka only logical people eat meat, it is ok to kill animals, killing animals in factory farms is ok because it is efficient, there isn't enough land to grow vegan food for everyone, etc. Just shit that's been responded to a million times and at this point seems bad faith since it's been debunked before. Maybe they could have a sticky or wiki about these common arguments, idk I am not a mod.

It also matters what your tone is and that can be the difference between someone asking questions in good faith vs someone doing an antagonistic debate. But yeah at this point vegans do not need to question their values or opinions when it comes to their diet and lifestyle. You cannot convince a vegan it is ok to kill an animal for food but you might be able to convince a non-vegan it is wrong to kill an animal for food. Anyway that was just my thoughts on it.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 6 days ago

Thank you for posting this. I know now that it was because of voting which is ehh not as bad as I thought. But yeah IRL my family and partner aren't very supportive, I've been trying to ignore their comments. It's just hard sometimes, like just last night my partner said they felt sorry for me during dinner because I didn't have meat in my meal. I think that's probably why some vegans become more aggressive online as well as the cycle going on. Idk I just like reading articles and seeing recipes. When I first went vegan my dad tried getting my whole family to convince me to eat meat again. I love my dad but that sucked. I also love my partner and they are otherwise fine, but they seem to have a problem and are adjusting to my new diet. I can understand the fatigue a vegan may go through, but banning people for voting isn't exactly what I had in mind as their rule 5.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 1 week ago

This is their rule 5:

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 26 points 1 month ago

I am fine with late term abortions and we should have them as an option. They make up about 1% of abortions. These are abortions that happen after 21 weeks and can include reasons like:

-fetus abnormalities in the brain that cannot be caught until the third trimester or even doctors not fully disclosing severities because they are pro-life,

-unwanted pregnancy to a woman that didn't know she was pregnant until later on,

-finances changing or even relationships changing

-barriers preventing women from getting abortions (financial such as not having enough money to pay out of pocket or having to travel out of state which frequently required both more money and multiple visits because of policy)

You can read more here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9321603/

I've also read a separate study I cannot find that included women who were addicted to drugs wanting an abortion but addiction made it complicated to get an abortion early on.

But anyway the reason doesn't matter to me at this point, the conversation should be between a woman and her doctor, not politicians.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 30 points 1 month ago

I'm female and bi and it is definitely noticeable when someone is staring at my chest and it is very uncomfortable. When I was younger there were certain guys that rarely looked me in my face and were just looking at my chest the whole time. I asked other girls about it and they agreed they too felt them gazing at their chests and it was really uncomfortable and off-putting for them as well. If you wanna help then tell them discreetly to tighten their bra straps. Otherwise I don't find it acceptable to stare at a woman's chest. A glance maybe but you should really be looking at their faces. People are not meat or eye candy, don't objectify them, just remember the person they are inside. There may be women ok with it and like flaunting it but that's not been my personal experience.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 1 month ago

I hate that simplex is like this.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 27 points 1 month ago

Most teens don't want to put anything up there because it hurts, even tampons hurt as a virgin especially with 0 lube. I never liked regular dildos, most women do not orgasm through penetration. So I would say they are messing with you. I've had guys ask me if I ever experimented with pencils or rulers because if they were a girl they would do it. No, wtf only guys think women are like this.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 23 points 2 months ago

It's gotta be the drone rights guy, they both were narcissists and drone rights was known to have multiple accounts where they pretended to not be the same person until put under pressure. I am amazed at how accepting people are of this person.


I love the app so far but I am having trouble with opening Lemmy links from other instances. When someone links to say a Lemmy.world post, I am hit with a window saying I have to have a Lemmy.world account in order to vote and such. This is incredibly inconvenient, I don't know how voyager does it but voyager just lets me view the post and vote/etc. in my instance without forcing me to change accounts. Anyway to get rid of this behavior so it is more like voyager? I want other Lemmy links to be opened in my instance so I can vote and such.

Also unrelated but just now I was unable to upload a picture from summit and had to switch apps to upload the photo.

[-] YarrMatey@lemmy.dbzer0.com 19 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I had to take the bus and it left at *7:00am so I was waking up around 6ish everyday. I was constantly tired and had trouble staying awake in school. Taking the bus back put me at arriving at 4pm home. It was awful tbh. I see grade school years, especially high school, as the worst years of my life followed closely by early adulthood in college.

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