Trump thinks no one will respect her because she's a woman. He thinks women are weak willed and easily manipulated. He doesn't respect women and assumes everyone thinks that way.

Not surprisingly it's projection. Trump is a hapless idiot. A lifetime of shady dealings, and his narcissism, make him the most easily manipulated person in history.

False dichotomy.

Every other country the world over is trying to reduce the number of guns around and improve mental health.

100% this.

I was a volunteer treasurer at a youth homeless shelter.

Sadly, it's not possible to evaluate someone's intentions when they knock on your door and ask for a sandwich. They might truly just want a sandwich, or they might have other intentions entirely.

a Herculean undertaking with too few engineers and too many standards

Yeah, as a layperson this is my take. If mozilla is struggling to stay in the game then I just don't really see how an unfinanced indie team has a shot.

I genuinely don't understand why this perspective is so popular.

He spent a boatload of cash vaccinating kids which has undoubtedly saved 10s of millions of lives.

Fuck him right? What an asshole.

Yes he gets a tax deduction for money contributed to the foundation, but it's still a net loss to him.

Yes the foundation probably pays for jets and flights but its audited regularly so it can't be used as a personal slush fund for private purposes.

Yes I'm sure there were some unintended consequences and failed projects, but solving problems and helping people particularly in impoverished nations is hard.

Are other billionaires doing a better job of saving the world ?

This might sound unsympathetic, but it's easy to put someone else in a situation where they must call the police / ambulance.

It doesn't really matter how close a friend is. If you say you're at risk of harming yourself or others, they don't have a lot of options.

Sadly, I suspect some assholes will be along any moment to tell us all about how evil she is and how she's infecting kids with 5g or some such.

I'm self employed.

There's an infinite amount of work for me to do, but like most professions its intellectually, emotionally and mentally taxing.

Honestly, I can't do much more than 4 hours of real actual work per day.

This is management speak for... our shit isn't working, we're trying to diversify our revenue but so far just wasted heaps of money. We're going to cut everything to extend the curve but this marks the start of our death spiral.

This is a bit left field but... my big idea is that mozilla should become a payment gateway for donating to other opensource projects. They can skim a few percent off everything. Great alignment with Mozilla's values & history. All open source projects will end up promoting mozilla. Mozilla has the right brand and user-base to leverage.

Suppose my new tab page showed me a bit of an overview about some opensource project, the people involved, and the people who use the project, and suggested a donation of $1. I would genuinely like that. After a few small donations they could suggest I charge my account with $50 which I can then donate to whatever projects in the coming months as the mid takes me.

Privatising penal and detention services is so bizarre. Does this happen a lot all over the world or just the US?

As an aside for people who may not realise, HIV isn't a big deal provided that you manage it with meds. I'd rather have HIV than say, back problems.

Due to recent advances in medication delivery, it's just 2 injections a year now.

For someone's health to deteriorate like that in just 2 months, I suspect that he wasn't able to keep up with his meds before he was arrested.

While I find this as infuriating as the rest of you, we all know that people just don't care.

Google has cleverly shifted the definition of privacy to mean allowing cuddly Google to look after all your stuff and protect it from anyone else.

Someone will be along any moment to tell me all about reasonable ads telling them about important things they didn't know they wanted to buy.

Nah that's not it. The text content is an infinitesimal portion of a modern Web page.

Many webpages are > 1mb, that's a million letters if you will.

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