Probably tag @ada
remove the space between the “@“ if you’d like to tag her
Probably tag @ada
remove the space between the “@“ if you’d like to tag her
I stopped using it in favour of just sorting by “following”.
Honestly the algorithm felt badly made. But this was like 5 months ago so they may have made it better by now!
Is there literally anything only men like?
There are male biased things, ie. gaming, woodworking, wingsuiting, cimbing etc.
but are there any things literally only males like?
mildly infuriating, it’s at 197 upvotes and my instance has downvotes disabled
Think of those of us who can’t get vaccines due to being immunocompromised, before you say “it’s just a flu” and spread it by not wearing a mask.
I was disappointed to learn there was no fediverse Tmbd/Imdb alternative. This looks like it has the potential to become that, among many things
prosélyisme par shitpost
Super image. Je vais envoyer ça chaque fois que mes amis m’envoyent un lien reddit ahah.
Merci Bien
Some might — but the type of people I’m trying to attract just use the mobile app
Access Mistral and many others model anonymously with