When viewed from an environmental perspective, these falling birth rates are GREAT news. More so in first world countries.
I thought the group living just above poverty limits were called the working poor. Does United Way think the new "sexy" acronym will get this group more attention?
I've always felt pretty bad for these folks. They're working and struggling. Minimum wage really does need to triple or quadruple.
I think that depends what your definition of "in" is.
Too bad the consequences are not prison.
Kudos to this man.
This shows me once again that man get no sympathy.
This will be interesting.
How to write legislation to stop AI nudes but not photo shopping or art? I am not at all sure it can be done. And even if it can, will it withstand a courtroom free speech test?
This article seems to imply that this cat can go back in the bag. I'm not at all sure about that.
When pay significantly lags the cost of basics you're gonna have a bad time.
And inflation was more than 3% last month? Still adding insult to injury.
I remember in my 20s the phrase "indian giver" coming out of my mouth. I hadn't used that phrase since I was a kid of 10 years old or so.
I immediately realized that I should never say that shit again. Adult me realized it is a horrible thing to say but as a kid I just thought it meant you gave and asked for it back. I had much more context as an adult.
Most of the time I think before I speak, but not always.
I also did this once. It was hilarious.
One manager got MAD that the employer spent money on printer upgrades instead of staff. After her red faced tirade, when I was able to talk again after laughing very hard I explained to her that it was a joke. She still looked pretty mad.
The last time I heard the word beeper it referred to a pager. You kids know what a pager was?
What age do you have to be to get this joke?
Kids probably think its a sexual reference.