I'm gunna suggest that left wing voters probably wanted a left wing party. Pretty obvious that the Dems hate progressives and young LW people want progressives
Sure they should have had a primary. Biden should also never have run. But neither of those things happened and neither was Sanders' fault
I've used GIMP for decades and it's never crashed on me. Krita and Inkscape are also great imo. I've used photoshop. It's fine. I really think issues with the UI are mostly just an issue of what you're used to. I see exactly the same thing with people switching to Blender or Vi uses trying to use any otherr editor in the world
Because Kamala was better than Trump and months out from the election is too late to challenge the fundamentals of a political party
Sanders is the OG
As a NZr, I agree. But it does make smaller third parties viable. In NZ, Greens, ACT and NZ First are all third parties where a vote is not wasted if their block wins
We coulda had the OG and instead they chose HRC. SMH
One of the painful things about having studied philosophy is experiencing the fact that nearly everyone on the Internet are absolutely sure having read a few paragraphs about the topic makes them an expert.
Announcements like this just remind me that new phones have become phenomenally uninteresting.
There's something I don't get about the world when someone like Trump isn't a universal laughing stock.
There's no need to be snobbish about "apparantly Deep questions" like they were idiots. They genuinely didn't know - that's why it was an interesting question
I use both. GIMP is still good