No mention on if she was immunocompromised
My psoriasis went away completely after getting rid of/managing my mast cell activation syndrome, which was in turn caused by compression of the bottom of my spine
Some food for thought
Any media can contain exploits, for the most part if you stick to reputable uploaders you should do alright but it's essentially an unavoidable problem. Keep your media player up to date
But I like the all feed
Imagine how much better off we'd be if they falsified ALL the traffic stops
Based chronomaxxing
Bean there, done that
Until you watch mr robot and everything typed on screen is accurate to the plot/hack
Without meat ard other animal praducts many simply can't consume enough complete protein. Plant proteins apart from hemp are limited in their amino acid profile. Milk, meat and egg are staples for good reason
Signal has had that for ages
User error, be more specific
If you ever get accused of a crime, your whole life should be cancelled as a precautionary measure /s