That term seems to imply that Thompson had caused harm of some sort.
He is directly responsible for anyone with United as insurance dying due to denied care.
How long till Blackwater is authorized to operate on US soil?
They already are.
Deplatforming works.
I'd love to stick to the non-illicit sales, however, they banned everything except "Knock off tobacco flavor" which was deemed "safe" by the FDA at the behest of Tobacco industry lobbyists.
I'll take my "unknown risks" over "known risks of lung cancer, throat cancer, and COPD"... Because as of now, I'm breathing better, and am in better shape now that I gave up combustion of tobacco excepting in a blunt.
Which, interestingly enough, is another area I prefer the "illicit sales" than the "legal sales"... Cannabis in NYS has a shite legal market, and a really good "illicit market".
Well, there's something to be said for that election... 2016 I honestly figured Trump would be no difference than Clinton, in all honestly. They are both wealthy oligarchs, who look to solidify their interests.
Obviously, that was not true.
The human right to keep and bear arms is in our constitution
So, yes, abridging a right, to a class of people, is saying they are subhuman, and not deserving of the full spectrum of rights there for all humans.
Things like charge controllers need to be made too, and nobody makes those domestically. Same with simple chips like 555 timers. Nowhere in the US are these made.
I dunno. McDs was mine and my spouse's first date, after church.
We are married 27 years now....
The main characters "tag line" it says after a gib is "The cake WAS a lie!" and acts like Duke Nukem, but looks like Elong.
Lol, k.