yet another programmer who imagines that having computer science baccalaureate gives him an insight into human biology. sigh.
Hurling ordure at the TREACLES, especially those closely related to LessWrong.
AI-Industrial-Complex grift is fine as long as it sufficiently relates to the AI doom from the TREACLES. (Though TechTakes may be more suitable.)
This is sneer club, not debate club. Unless it's amusing debate.
[Especially don't debate the race scientists, if any sneak in - we ban and delete them as unsuitable for the server.]
See our twin at Reddit
Much like a network, the brain is a series of tubes.
To have the confidence of a white CS undergrad...
Feels like I've heard this rhetoric before...
Aw, man.. Guess it’s time to play some Disco Elysium again!
His time has come!
Yay, let's fight AI with eugenics!
The upper bound for how long to pause AI is only a century, because “farming” (artificially selecting) higher-IQ humans could probably create competent IQ 200 safety researchers.
It just takes C-sections to enable huge heads and medical science for other issues that come up.
Indeed, the bad associations ppl have with eugenics are from scenarios much less casual than this one
going full "villain in a Venture Bros. episode who makes the Monarch feel good by comparison":
Sure, I don't think it's crazy to claim women would be lining up to screw me in that scenario
Lol, the guy goes normal weird high school level shitposter when he has the slightest pushback.
Considering that the idea of the singularity of AGI was the exponential function going straight up, I don't think this persons understands the problem. Lol, LMAO foomed the scorpion.
(Also that is some gross weird eugenics shit).
E: also isn't IQ a number that gets regraded every now and then with an common upper bound of 160? I know the whole post is more intended as vaguely eugenics aspirational but still.
Anyway, time to start the lucrative field of HighIQHuman safety research. What do we do if the eugenics superhumans goals don't align with humanity?
Smh, why do I feel like I understand the theology of their dumb cult better than its own adherents? If you believe that one day AI will foom into a 10 trillion IQ super being, then it makes no difference at all whether your ai safety researcher has 200 IQ or spends their days eating rocks like the average LW user.
Oh absolutely! This is the entire delusion collapsing on itself.
Bro, if intelligence is, as the cult claims, fully contained self improvement, --you could never have mattered by definition--. If the system is closed, and you see the point of convergence up ahead... what does it even fucking matter?
This is why Pascal's wager defeats all forms of maximal utilitarianism. Again, if the system is closed around a set of known alternatives, then yes. It doesn't matter anymore. You don't even need intelligence to do this. You can do with sticks and stones by imagining away all the other things.
in an attempt to persuade normal people to take them seriously, they imagined themselves to be important enough to have their own version of bene gesserit. the sheer fucking hubris and nerve of these people,
also that "other issues that come up" means here "draw the rest of the fucking owl" but they don't even have crayons
wanted to emulate bene gesserit, ended doing bene tleilax
Wait, I totally had something for this...
"Bene Jizzerit"
thank you, that's perfectly awful :-)
Aren't smaller, better-connected brains more likely to be from an intelligent person? I'm not sure there's a relationship between intelligence and brain size in general.
Also, huge head does not imply large brain inside the head.
Our brain shape science basically boils down to:
- missing big pieces usually makes it work less well.
- folds and creases seem good?
- Not too much fluid!
- Not too little either!
- front part seems pretty important for thinking.
- middle too.
- "stuff" in the brain is almost always bad for thinking. Like rocks and things. Neurons, blood and the right blend of fluids are great.
- phrenology is pretty wrong. Like, super wrong.
Beyond that, we know a bunch of stuff about brains and neurons and how they all piece together, but just based on lookin', we're pretty bad at judging a person based on their head and brain.
missing big pieces usually makes it work less well.
I fucking love science.
instructions unclear; adding rocks to brain for hard thinking
Tired of people stereotyping metalheads as dumb smh
No! That will probably do something bad! Or nothing, depending on complex factors we've not totally figured out!
At least wash it first and take some before and after images.
I have a big head (I needed to pick the bigger helmets when I went gokarting) so yes, there is a huge relationship between IQ and brain size. Don't mock my chunky noggin please.
N = 1
Look out, this guy's most people.
uses my superior vision, no caliper needed
That you felt to point out what you think is a mistake shows me you have an inferior skull. You might even have the blood of the worst people (The Dutch, the creators of the infernal word LOL, Colonizing the sea, and Big Brother (potjandorie nog aan toe!)), in you. :P
My mom dropped me on my head when I was a baby and I still have the dent.
Don't worry only skull size on birth matters, else we could just take normal kids and inflate their skulls with pump.
Jesus christ mate, they're listening! Don't give them ideas!
We have seen what they think we talk about vs what we actually talk about, and they def are not listening ;)
Soy irl
I said please no bully, y you bully?
@henfredemars Indeed, it is often associated with hydrocephalus, a condition rarely conducive to cognitive performance.
Selective breeding, eh? There's a word for this and it was vouched for by a guy with a distinct style of moustache.
You know what, maybe Idiocracy won't be the worst case scenario
I mean, Idiocracy was basically "what if party-bros ran society?" as a movie. Definitely more fun than this shit.
Ahh, good old ShitCrusaderKingsSay...
Oh wait
His "farming" idea is just eugenics
Somehow he makes it sound even more misanthropic
What does misanthropic mean?
Also isn't IQ in general kinda inaccurate?
misanthropic means person hating; possessed of contempt and malevolence toward humans as both individuals and a class. connotations of bitterness or cruelty
double check that your rubbers didn’t get punctured.
Extra wrinkly*, for your partner’s pleasure
the brain, that is
@AcausalRobotGod I worked at a company (Quixey) this guy started. It did not go well or end well.