re: election results. unfortunately i'm not surprised or even disappointed by now. it makes me feel sad for my 2015 self and her naivete. she didn't understand what a disgusting and evil culture she lived in
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
For actually-good tech, you want our NotAwfulTech community
I don’t have too much coherent to say right now
fuck the fascists for what they’ve done and what they intend to do
fuck the neoliberals for doing their best to convince marginalized people that they shouldn’t defend themselves against a terrible fate
fuck the accelerationists for pumping shitheaded propaganda into the fediverse, for the victory lap they’re taking now, and for the general idea that their revolution is worth our deaths
shit’s about to get very hard and very weird and I can’t stress enough how important it is to be careful who you trust with your life
what a surprise, the thread all the leftist shitposters on mastodon boosted about how you’re a class traitor if you don’t vote for the Green Party (who I don’t buy as socialist) or “any other socialist party” (fucking who??? am I supposed to write “socialism” on my ballot in crayon???) conveniently went missing
anyway post your favorite fuckhead accelerationist here, mastodon’s a shooting gallery tonight
i do love how the "anti-imperialist" protest vote against harris was a choice between like three or four putin apologists. the state of the US left is really fucked up and i don't want to look at it ever again.
anyway post your favorite fuckhead accelerationist here, mastodon’s a shooting gallery tonight
I've intentionally been avoiding feeds the last few days because I just do not have the headspace for it, but I quickly checked on shit now
I can’t stress enough how important it is to be careful who you trust with your life
strong agree
minor upside: it's going to be a good time to make lists of people who suddenly feel comfortable to mask off
fucking fuck this sucks
Not surprised, still very disappointed, I feel sick.
Yeah this is fucked up. I feel so bad for everybody (esp the Americans, but this will hurt the world). Shit this prob means I should start looking into seriously helping out locally when all this explodes into more international shit. (Which imho is the best you can do anyway, do things locally, build a bit of a support network for your community).
(Note I'm not American, but I think this will end badly, just the fucker stepping out of the paris accord for example, and all the weird blowhard fascists this will make feel emboldened to do more politics locally).
E: I really hope the people who go 'this is the same as in 2020, wait till all votes are counted' are correct and not on hopeium.
Ubisoft’s NFT game is going great:
Ubisoft’s NFT game, which has about 6 active players, has a game breaking exploit where one player is winning every match.
“One player pointed out that the Paulstar111 account was top of the rankings with over 56,000 matches played. It’s not yet clear how the player has been able to connect to so many games and automatically win them”
a real web3 moment if there ever was one.
For any drive by readers who slightly want to know more background about some stuff: Why Richard Feynman wasn't a great rolemodel.
(more context for the drive by readers, Feynman is often held up as a great man in STEM circles, and even more so in the world of LessWrong Rationalism. (Which is fine if it is about scientific achievements, but it often goes beyond that as here in their page on 'traditional rationality')).
Before my postmodern deconstruction and unlearning of the worship of Great Men, all I needed to know about feynman not being a good person to look up to was the calling women bitches thing. Miss me with that PUA shit
The worst part about Trump being president is Trump being president for a year. The second worst part is Vance being president for the next three (after Trump dies of heart failure). The third worst part is the fact that I've been owned in a way I can't even explain to my closest friends.
The third worst part is the fact that I’ve been owned in a way I can’t even explain to my closest friends.
Oh god, this so much. Well, third worst for me personally, as a non-American white guy. I suppose Palestinians, Ukrainians, and marginalized groups in the US might have a few issues they'd rank higher.
The orange site is an easy target, but the lack of solidarity in the comments about the NYT Tech Guild strike fills me with dread.
A significant fraction of the people commenting on HN believe themselves to be the next Jeff Bezos. They cheer for the boot that crushes them, as surely one day they themselves will own that boot.
Said it before, I'll say it again: if Americans are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires, HN is where the temporarily embarrassed billionaires go to hang out
Forced to endure an episode of an Irish tv programme about the environment in which a guest sincerely listed carbon capture & storage and small nuclear reactor as potential energy solutions. As mentioned above, the earth is our coffin, hope is a mistake, etc
Carbon capture, small nuclear reactors. We stopped thinking big. To really solve climate change we need to do one easy, but big thing. Blow up the Sun.
Just some thoughts about musk trying to be liked and doing whatever idiotic thing he can to become liked, specifically speaking at trump rallies:
- The maga turn as framed by this working theory makes sense, but it is also just what you’d expect of any idiot that got lucky under capitalism.
- I read a hypothesis somewhere that when he does the jumping jacks at the trump rallies, he’s trying to make the letter X with his body. I’m just hoping this somehow derails the fitness industry.
- it’s telling that he wears that occupy mars shirt, the thing that people liked him for before, well, pretty much everything after he became well known.
Also: I don’t think we’ll make it to mars!!! Fuck mars. The earth is our coffin and hope is a mistake.
NB: am not a US voter.
The earth is our coffin and hope is a mistake.
such a metal album name
Their grindcore coverband is called Earthcofffin Hopecrusher. Their 2 minute long album with 14 songs was pretty good.
I think "any idiot that got lucky under capitalism" is a pretty good description of Musk and his type, to be fair.
In Arizona’s U.S. Senate race, Republican Kari Lake told Politico why she feels confident in her chances, despite recent polling showing her behind Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego: “Our polling is a little different. We take polling, but we also combine it with AI, which reads all of what’s happening on social media and across the Internet.”
Edit: Found the map she's using:
I'm sure her results would be very accurate if troll farms could vote and chatgpt was doing the count.
Been seeing some stuff from this artist. This is the most recent thing to pop up for me. They seem alright, though I don’t have the energy to fully investigate their politics.
I'm about to pass out from the cognitive dissonance I'm feeling from seeing andressen and musk talking about privilege
why do neurotypical people love to do this. why can't you say sam harris sucks in a normal way
You know that thing that happened with the AI generated DOOM?
Well, someone decided to do the same thing with Minecraft, and you can see that the results are... basically abysmal:
Skip to 2:00 for the actual "gameplay".
TL:DW nothing is saved outside of the view screen, things aren't even saved within the view screen, the resolution is like 240p at 20fps, input latency and mouse latency is awful, and this was all apparently done by training on literal millions of hours of Minecraft footage. The mid-range computer I had from 2006 could run the game better than this. A 14-year-old netbook could run the game better than whatever supercomputer they're using to render this.
Note that the person in the video isn't part of the team/whoever that created it, just someone who is reviewing it.
Lawns are functional though, they aren't just a status symbol.
I grew up with a mossy front yard, and I have clover and ferns in my current yards to compete with grasses; there are better options, my dude.
They can be, but they can also be a social and recreational space.
Your mum's a social and recreational space, but I don't see you going to bat for her despite being more useful
I was going to call them friendless losers who never had company over to play cornhole, have a bonfire, or lounge around on a hot summer day getting doused by a sprinkler while drinking beers because they are repugnant socially awkward cave trolls who are bitter and jealous of people who use their picturesque lawns.
But I would never do that because that is neither civil nor polite.
dang hates this one weird trick you can use to be an asshole in spite of the orange site’s civility rules
also what is that list of activities? did ChatGPT generate this? grass is required to play beep boop normal human games like cornhole now? you’re “having a bonfire” on grass and not in something normal like a firepit that’s safer on rocks or concrete? you’re just laying down on the grass, where the dog shits, slowly getting drunk and incredibly itchy from the grass as a sprinkler douses you?
picturesque lawns
oh maybe that’s it, the only people I’ve ever met with picturesque lawns are wealthy and wealthy people ain’t fucking normal
Or you could just not water it, not fertilize it, not pesticide it and simply run the mower over it whenever the assorted vegetation (which will be mostly grass) exceeds a certain height.
It won't look "nice neighborhood" nice but it'll still be fine.
i love when my yard is a giant mud patch rimmed by yellow with an occasional glimmer of green when the crabgrass blooms
the orange site is absolutely populated by the type of shithead who’s proud to be on their HOA’s board
having a lawn is so easy first just hire a gardener to come every week, second live in a place where tap water’s inexpensive
NASB - Brian Merchant's celebrating the first anniversary of Blood in the Machine's release
Reading through it, its clear an earlier comment of mine was dead-on - the public image of the Luddites has been fully rehabilitated, and we can primarily credit Merchant for pulling it off.
Atlantic writer: "better dubble down on Twitter huhuhuhhuh"
Calls to disengage from X, now that Elon Musk has turned it into a white-supremacist haven, certainly have a moral appeal. But if this election showed how difficult it is to meaningfully “deplatform” speakers you disagree with, it also demonstrated the danger of ignoring the platforms where they speak. Unfortunately, the only way to change what’s happening in an echo chamber may be to add your own noise.
This is your periodic reminder that Steve Jobs' widow owns that toilet-paper factory. And that they still pump out hot new singles from hitmakers like David Frum and, occasionally, my personal favorite, Eliot "GW Bush Did Nothing Wrong" Cohen.
what in the absolute fuck
“you shouldn’t do anything that works to resist fascism” is going to be the neoliberal siren call for 4+ years, isn’t it
My radicalisation just continues and deepens.
What deplatforming actually happened that this writer is referring to? “We didn’t deplatform anyone. Therefore deplatforming bad” ???
“we’ve tried nothing, and nothing is working!” this is going to be such a common refrain