Worrying that your eyelashes are too long is about as far from alpha as it's possible to get.
People skeeting stuff.
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I trim my eyelashes to prevent them from hitting my glasses which causes eye strain. My Opthalmologist keeps saying I should stop, and then offers no workable alternative.
It sounds like you're wearing your glasses too close to your eyes
I have the same problem, its not that they're too close its that the eyelashes are that fuckin long
Same problem, and it makes my glasses oily. They even hit my safety glasses at work.
They should pluck them then draw them on real short
I did this(with scissors) when I was 5 or so because I was told I had beautiful eyelashes, being the manly man I was at 5 I couldn't be beautiful so I cut them off.
These bros ain't alpha they are 5yos in mens bodies.
I did the same when I was like 5. Not because I didn't like being feminine (I am literally trans now) but because an eyelash got in my eye and I decided that I was going to solve my own issue by myself.
I tried to pull mine out at around age 6 because at a cowboys football game a stranger told me she wanted my lashes and she was gonna steal them.
Great response!
+40% Pocket Sand Effectiveness
Having your eyelashes trimmed to appear less feminine is the same energy as getting fake lashes or putting on mascara to appear more feminine. If you need your eyelashes trimmed, your beard sculpted, your hair gel'd, and your tan sprayed on just so you can look more masculine, I think you might be missing the forest for the trees, my guy. Absolutely nothing wrong with being concerned about your hygeine and appearance, but let's not pretend that this is the rugged masculinity you think you are portraying. Surprised the Alpha Bros came up with it, not the Queer Eye dudes.
I'm masculine because I stink and I leave my beard in whatever weird shape my cat licks it into.
Or... hear me out.... Maybe masculinity isn't about being either dirty or obsessive over your appearance...?
I’m masculine because I’m gay and I piss and shit all over the place
I love grooming my beard and shaping it up. I'll spend a decent amount of time doing in the bathroom making it just right. Not because it makes me manly, but because I like it and even more importantly, my lady likes it. And any manly man knows that making your significant other happy is the manliest fucking thing possible.
The Queer Eye guys didn’t come up with it because they knew how stupid it would probably look.
Totally alpha to worry about the length of your eyelashes
If they want to affirm their gender, that’s their decision and are free to do so 😀
They’re trying to make themselves attractive to each other. A woman would love a guy’s nice lashes, but they wanna look good for their bros
You make a good point about the compliment. A former girlfriend complimented mine once. Although I'm not sure if it was fully a compliment or maybe some jealousy. But, the compliment stuck, and I occasionally recognize this myself when I look in the mirror!
These guys are sure looking at other men and finding them so attractive a lot. Maybe they are worried about something else and should talk to somebody about those feelings so that they can live comfortable in their own skin.
I'm... aged. And ever since I discovered sex was a thing, I discovered that my stupidly long eyelashes were both atractive to women and a very good conversation starter, as I would be randomly complimented/asked about them.
Let your eyelashes be. Good for looks and protection!
If you're constantly looking at the world in a sexual way .... the problem isn't the world. It's you.
Women have told me they love my long eyelashes since I was a teen. I’ve never felt the need to shave them.
Further: biology and evolution developed these to protect my eyes. What idiot goes against that?
I’m the most alpha man in the room. /s
I’m also the only man in the room.
My father trimmed his eyelashes once as a child in the 1950s. Precisely because he was told they were beautiful/cute.
He used his granny's manicure scissors. He does not recommend it.
both eyes survived?
Getting scratches on my cornea from all the debris winding up in my eyes to own the libs
Had a coworker once who in a presumably meth fueled rampage removed every single hair from his body down to plucking his eyelashes. Dude looked like a lizard afterwards. Favorite story about him was his explicative filled rant on the radio, being broadcast to everybody in lift ops with a radio on them, about how he thought minors at the coffee shop were trying to sleep with him.
"By the way, which one's Pink?"
Maybe I am especially oblivious, but I have never in my entire life noticed another person's eyelashes.
I have fairly dense and long eyelashes, don't give a fuck because I am secure in my identity.
How you could be so insecure that your long eyelashes make you feel like less of a man is beyond me. Real beta insecurity to have.
My mother always said she was jealous of my father's naturally thick dark eyelashes. Hers were long, but extremely fair and almost invisible. Dad loved his eyelashes because ladies loved them. I got the best of both worlds, until health claimed a lot of the thickness and length of my hair. Oh well, I'll miss you, dark long eyelashes!
Meanwhile there's an Infantry grunt these guys would idolize who hasn't showered in 3 days, is four layers deep in camo makeup, and they just popped a wad of chewing tobacco in their mouth while they lay in a pile of trash for their job.
I don't believe in the whole Alpha male thing but these guys wouldn't know what an Alpha is until they were backed up against the wall pissing themselves.
Someone start a trend where they eat heavy metals and breathe helium to become more alpha
Femininity is stored in the lashes
I'm always dubious about posts like the screenshot. I always wonder if the poster, AskAubrey in this case, has fallen for a troll or a prank, or if they're the troll or prankster themselves.
A microblog post saying "[the people I don't like] are doing [embarrassing/contemptible thing]" whose proof is a picture of a single person doing something could never be wrong, misleading, or overgeneralizing, though, right? Just like "the LGBTQ+ are trying to make MAP a thing!!1" was totally real and legit.
It's scary how willing people are to accept random shit they see on the Internet with zero further investigation or critical thought.
Exactly. And even if there was one case of the thing happening, it wouldn't necessarily mean a damned thing.
I assume this was a bet or something.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Alpha bros? I think you mean furries in denial.
They're just in the alpha stage, trying to figure out what works. Just wait until they get to beta stage, then they'll start bleaching their assholes, because it's "manly".
Know what else is feminine? Being alive. Get to it alphas!
More bitches for me and my lucious lashes
Have fun getting dirt in your eyes, doofuses.
I seriously doubt the veracity of the headline. That mustache trim line has metrosexual written all over it.