Love some enchiladas~
What'd you do with the broccoli? Steamed?
Come join the Vegan Home Cooks!
Participation is really easy, just take a picture of what you cooked today and post it, no recipes needed.
Be nice and supportive, no one cares about your criticism or fixes. If it isn't nice and positive your comment will be removed
This is a public forum for a discord server of friends who are all vegans and cook at home for their families.
We are here to share some inspiration, to see what others are doing and to stay engaged in something that is both our hobby and a required task.
This forum is not a "food porn" community, a recipe book or a place to teach you how to cook. It is a place for people who already cook to meet other people like themselves and provide on topic support and conversation as much as long distance friends on the internet can do. We are doing show and tell about what we made and we don't care about its instagram worthiness.
Veganism isn’t a diet but I have to eat every day. This is for the vegan home cooks. Anything non vegan will be deleted.
1. Be Vegan.
If it is not vegan it doesn’t belong here… or anywhere.
2. Post home cooking.
No restaurant or fast food. This is what every other vegan space is about and we don’t want to promote any large or small business tyrants.
We’re an active community of vegan home cooks that like to talk about what we are cooking today.
4. Do not make any rude comments or digs at anyone’s food, cooking style, specific diet, restrictions or technique.
While we are all cooks, we all have different requirements and we’re not asking for help, we are doing show and tell.
5. Do not use trademarked brands
Use generic names. We’re cooking with tvp not whatever business brands it and we’re not trying to turn comrades into billboards. No plant-based vegan-pandering capitalist crap like Impossible, Beyond, Dairy-company owned “vegan” cheese.
6. Do not ask for a recipe without otherwise engaging the OP (No posts that are just “recipe?”)
We are not food bloggers. Sometimes we're excited to share and will tell you the recipes we used but this isn't required. Instead try doing your own research and tell us what you learned and we can talk about it.
7. Careful with making unasked for suggestions.
Sometimes we like to hear suggestions but you should be nice about it and know the person you are making suggestions to. We are in the discord and you can get to know us that way. If you are just a visitor from the fediverse, this isn’t the place for you to start telling other people what to do.
8. Grown Ups Only.
Cooking for our kids is great, Acting like one is not. While this isn't a community for adult material we expect everyone who participates to be an adult and act like one. Please follow the Anarchists Code of Conduct. No profane usernames allowed.
Love some enchiladas~
What'd you do with the broccoli? Steamed?
Always steamed. Pretty much eat steamed brocc with every meal.
now I'm hungry 😩
Looks so amazing! I have been craving something like this all week, think I'll finally make them this weekend!
They were better the second night with shredded lettuce on top!
god damn that looks good
So good, I’m making them again tonight.
What's green enchilada sauce?? I wanna make these, they look so good
I just bought a can of green sauce at the store! Lazy more. “Las Palmas” is the brand.
We do sweet potato and black bean, sometimes. It's pretty tasty!
Use red sauce for that one, though.
Mix it up! I always did red sauce. But this experience changed me. I’m a green-first kinda guy now.
Normally I'm all for variety and new experiences, but the flavor profile of the green sauce doesn't tend to mesh with the sweet potato, in my experience. They just kinda exist in their own flavor spaces, and it just ends up being a confusing taste.
I can respect it. I’m down with trying anything once!
It sounds tasty...
Recepie please
For the “beef”: 1C of TVP, soaked with 3/4C stock. Pan fry a whole onion, and a pint of mushrooms. Add as much garlic as you want (I use a whole head) Cook it down a bit, and dump it all into a blender. Blend it all up with a splash of water, a Tbsp of miso, Tbsp soy sauce, and all the seasonings you want. I use smoked paprika, cumin, black pepper, etc. once it’s all blended up into liquid, add it to a big ass bowl with 2C vital wheat gluten, and add the TVP. Mix it all up into some gross raw hamburger looking shit. Let rest 15. Fire up the oven and 2 big cookie sheets lined with silicone mats or parchment paper. Rip the meat slop into as small of pieces as you can (nickel sized). Spread thin on the sheets and bake on convection 400ish for 20mins. Rotate top and bottom half way. Stir it up to get the crisp bits all around.
Then mix all the grilled onions/mushrooms/squash with the meat chunks. Wrap em up, stuff them in a pan, dump sauce on. Bake for 20 ish mins. Top with fake Mexican blend cheese, cook for 2 mins until melted.
Serve up with shredded lettuce, salsa, beans, sour cream, whatever you got.