"Sorry guys, I thought they were Palestinian!"
Didn't realize that's a valid excuse to do a murder these days
For true stories that are so ridiculous, that you could have sworn it was an !theonion worthy story.
"Sorry guys, I thought they were Palestinian!"
Didn't realize that's a valid excuse to do a murder these days
"I thought they were untermensch, honest mistake"
Apparently, one of the guys shot concluded his statement about being shot with "death to Arabs" or something to that effect, so they might just accept that excuse.
Gets shot by Zionist terrorist
"Why would Arabs do this?"
If the president is using it, who is to stop the civilians?
The fact that they went with neither “Florida man” or “Jewish Man” but instead “Florida Jew” is just hysterical for better or for worse
"Florida Jew" reminds me of "Rare Deepwater Jew" from somethingawful.com https://www.somethingawful.com/news/fur-trapper-promise/
That’s one of my favorite memes of all time
I would say typical zionist, but we don't have evidence that the American government paid for his weapon and ammo
The jokes write themselves.
First out-loud chuckle of the day. Keen wit. Well done.
The oppressed became the oppressor and think it's all good because they are the oppressed. Genocidal fucks.
As a Jewish person living in Occupied Palestine im absolutely oppressed and so are many others like me. The so called "only free nation in the middle east" regurally censors journalists, beats up Parliament members who dare speak out, and has a culture where critiquing the IOF or the genocide results in social condemnation.
Wait, your neighbors are pissed at you because you kicked out their old neighbors and they could be next but youre oppressed?
You know its possible for both to be true yes? Authoritarian regimes aren't usually lots of fun, and not just for the most subjugated groups.
Im 18 and haven't entered the IOF, I havent done anything -_-
Also yes obviously they're pissed that my government is a genocidal ethnostate
Do you have any possibility of emigrating?
I can't go to the US (im trans), so im trying to move to Germany :c
Good luck and thanks for trying!
For holding these values and intentions, especially in the face of such overwhelming pressure, you are kindred.
He fired 17 times and it's still just an injury? Oof.
Also someone needs to figure out if there's something in Floridian drinking water.
Supposedly it not necessarily a Florida thing to be particularly crazy, just that there are fewer protections against reporting and publishing people's names in Florida.
It's like the US version of 'boy, there doesn't seem to be much rape in this country where it's illegal for women to accuse men of rape, but there is a lot of it in the country next to it where it isn't illegal for women to file police reports. Making it illegal to report rape must significantly decrease it!'
Nah, this was just a Zionist being a Zionist. They're crazy fucks. Luckily his Florida only made him a terrible shot.
For every 10,000 guns in America, there's 1 person with training.
Can't even tell if that's a joke
It is a joke, it far overestimates the number of trained individuals...
Lead. There’s lead in the water.
This is the key part that makes it The Onion material:
From, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/17/miami-shooting-israeli-men
...one of the injured men reportedly posted “death to the Arabs” in a message on social media after the shooting. “My father and I went through a murder attempt against antisemitic background,” he wrote.
Jewish man shoots at Israelis because he thought that they were Palestinians. Israeli victims claimed that they were victims of an "antisemitic" attack and post "death to the Arabs".
The deeper irony is that these men were the victims of an antisemitic attack. They were targeted because they were thought to be Palestinians who are also a Semitic people and yet they seem to share the same prejudice as their attacker.
Fucking clown world.
I wonder if he’ll be tried as a terrorist. I feel like any other violent ideological act like this would be.
I think hate crime would be the most appropriate charge.
I think they may have said that because the state of Florida sought terrorism charges when a lady told a healthcare member they'd be next after the Luigi thing.
Which also seems like it'd fall more under hate, but hard to say.
Idk I feel like if this had been a Muslim guy the charge would be very different but I’m no lawyer so maybe you’re right, either way it’s a fucked up story.
Those are both generally enhancements/reclassifications to a charge not charges in and of themselves. In Florida it's "775.085 Evidencing prejudice while committing offense; reclassification.—".
Weird way to spell pardoned
adventures of Florida jew
Is that his mugshot? The fuck is he smiling for?
Edit: I didn't realize it was taken before he learned the outcome of his actions. What a fucking loser.
In his mind he just murdered two people he considers inferior and wants to genocide.
In his statement to the police, exactly this.
He had not yet learned the facts that:
They survived
They're (non-Palestinian) Israelis
Dumbass uses Hate Crime...
It hurt itself in its confusion!
It should be noted that the people he shot took to social media to post "Death to Arabs"
fr, mfer you got shot because you didnt pass the and you go post that
The settler colonial ethnostate equivalent of, "still like truck, tho."
Least deranged Jewish Trumper
Biden and Trump based their entire campaign around winning this singular person's vote.
DIY Hannibal directive