It reminds me of an old Polish joke:
A Pole finds a magic lamp, strokes it, and a genie comes out.
"I will grant you three wishes. They can be anything your heart desire."
"I wish for the Mongols to invade Poland!'
"Ok? It is done"
The Mongol hordes sweep through Poland, ransack the country, then go back the way they came.
"I am ready for my second wish. I want the Mongols to invade Poland again!"
"Are you sure? I can give you anything your heart wishes."
"Yes. I am sure"
The Mongols come again, do some more pillaging, and return home.
"And now for my third wish. I want the Mongol hordes to invade Poland a third time."
"Are you really sure?"
"Okay. Before I grant you your wish, would you mind explaining me why you would want that not once but thrice?"
"It's very simple: Whenever the Mongols come to Poland they have to cross Russia twice!"