I'm starting to hate people who are shortsighted (historically challenged) and blinkered (victims of hybrid warfare) enough to claim that Russia is not a threat to Europe.
Every resident of every Eastern European country bordering Russia will tell you how they took a piece of their home. Literally just snapping off a piece of their country and quietly incorporating it into Russia. Which hasn't been undone to date. How even before Putin they talked about "protecting" "Russian" citizens of said countries (which opens up a whole new can of worms about displacement of original residents, a.k.a. genocide). How present the Russian military actually is, just across the border.
Apropos nothing here's a real conversation I had just a couple of days ago. Problem is, I like the guy. He's not a fascist. He's one of those people who say they're not political, but then cannot help themselves having an opinion anyhow. To his credit he was thoughtful and quiet after that short exchange:
Him: "You know, Putin doesn't really want war..."
Me: "What, he didn't want to invade Ukraine?"
"No, not like that. You know Tucker Carlson invited him on his show..."
"Actually, Fucker Tarlson went to Moscow."
"Yeah, anyhow, the long interview..."
"You mean Putin's monologue."
"Yes, but he said that he doesn't want war!"
"How friendly of him to protray himself like that for a large audience!"