
joined 1 month ago
[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Do you mean you have no memory of a tune, scent, a former home? No techniques to accomplish a goal or solve a problem, no idea how to win a game? You never have a fantasy or a plan? All these are ideas. So are equations, opinions, beliefs , mental pictures and those conversations you create when you are thinking about what you should have said to the boss when she humiliated you in front of the client. So are the shared concepts behind the words beauty, honesty, freedom, calm, ego, self, even, yes, idea. In fact, it would have been impossible to ask this question if you really lacked the ability to deliberately think of an idea, because the question is an idea, made by applying grammar, also an idea, to at least four ideas I can count.

People unable to create an idea may exist -- but we can't communicate with them to know what, if anything, is going on in their heads. If they do, they could only survive in a society that had the resources to keep their bodies alive. They might be among those considered in a vegetative state, but then advances in science have found that many thought vegetative were, in fact, conscious, but unable to respond to their environment.

Gwan wit'ee. Everyone has their own abilities. Stop worrying about what you are not so good at and work on developing your talents.

[–] 25 points 3 weeks ago

My, my! It's good to see so many younger Americans ripping on an 83 year old man who has lived his socialist beliefs since high school, regardless of cost. Bernie has been outvoted, dragged, beaten, arrested, and then gone right back out to the front lines and done it all again: what, pray, are you doing , now, when it is needed, to compare? Aside, I mean, from waving your keyboard at the big, bad socialist who is at least still out there trying to push the stone up the hill once more, because it's what he can still do?

I thought the fascists were the problem.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Talk is not action. Not even close. Lots of nice people, who are hoping that, somehow, Canada will save them by distracting His Maga-sty or taking them in if the US collapses, or both. A very few trying to take an actual action or two. I'm not holding my breath: one of the main effects of social media seems to be to convince people that merely expressing an opinion constitutes action.

Only if you name is Navalny or Mandela, Pankhurst or Wałęsa.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It used to be thought birds were stupid because their brains were so small relative to mammal brains, and neuronal organisation quite different. Now, it's understood birds are as intelligent as most mammals, because their brains, though small, are densely packed with neurons and glia, which gives them the power to rapidly analyse and react to sensory input, and reason their way through problems on a par with even young humans. Who's to say what a million neurons, also pretty densely packed due to the very small space they have to work with, are capable of? The brain evolves what each species needs to master their physical and social environment -- perhaps bees have already mastered quantum physics!

[–] 14 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Being old, I recall in the 1990s the number of Americans identifying as homosexual or bisexual was published as either 7% or 8% of the population. I was involved in the arts, where our group estimate was, with a lot of people were still closetted, the real percentage would be closer to 12% to 15%. Reading this and considering the way the US has gone since then, I think we were probably right, and I'd even go so far as to say perhaps a little low.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

Option+ makes a flosser (pre-strung holder) which is quite competitive with Oral B and GUM in both price and quality -- has 90 for 50 cents more than 90 Oral B, and it's cheaper when we get it at Uniprix (Quebec).

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Because life is its own joy, and being alive the greatest gift. The loneliness will pass and return, the work grind you down as a song heard in passing will lift you up, the endless obligations are part of being an inherently social species. But, whether human or crocodilian, garden slug or spider, there is pleasure in the warm sun and a full belly, in waking from a good sleep and stretching whatever muscles your ancestors bequeathed. It's only those who demand that, somehow, the universe give them some cosmic purpose -- we, who are less than a virus floating around a sparkling grain of sand on an endless beach -- who cannot find enough in life to be happy.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I wonder if he thinks he can also ignore basic contract law on the international scale? Or is he maybe planning to send US troops to assist the Russians when the Ukrainians refuse to recognise his genius.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Are we allowed to use fully spelled out bad language on Lemmy? Because I have a suggestion for Mr. Trump which involves an athletic approach to a rolling doughnut.

[–] 17 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The answer is at , and, while I can't isolate Haines, I note that overall, the GOP vote was up, and the Democrats down. I guess they didn't think it would come back to bite them then.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

? Self immolation? I'm a Canadian, so we've been a bit distracted by other issues, but what two self immolations? Could you educate, please?

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Or, like me, still on Windows 7, they could just no longer use Steam. Lots of games I can still play on this OS or in my browser. Maybe someday I'll go back to Linux, or maybe even React, just for the hell of it.

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