Sorry, work got in the way.
To do this, select the text layer.
Right click, click Alpha to selection.
Voila, you have a text shaped selection mask.
Sorry, work got in the way.
To do this, select the text layer.
Right click, click Alpha to selection.
Voila, you have a text shaped selection mask.
You can easily add an outline around text in gimp once you learn the process.
Give me a minutes, I'll type it out.
I have both gimp and Photoshop and for the grand majority of things that I need to do minor photo editing, gimp is my preferred choice.
Sure, the interface is simplistic, but it works really well once you learn how to make it work, at least for my specific needs.
I will follow that up by saying that I am not a graphic designer and nothing that I make is published to the public, but despite that I actually enjoy using gimp.
What good are the screenshots?
I'm not a big fashionista or anything but I would also say that the tie is not a good fit.
It needs to go on something it can contrast with and there it just sort of blends in.
I never got that. A download is a copy. It's not taking the file away from the hoster.
If you download a car all the car manufacturers lose is somebody that is either too poor or too cheap to purchase a car from them.
Obviously that is a multi hundred trillion dollar loss but aside from that, what is the actual harm in downloading a car?
I'm with you. I make mid-100s myself and as a single homeowner with no children I still can't afford to go on funky vacations.
My take home after 401k and taxes is like $7,600 a month and my mortgage, heloc, car and student loans eat about $5,000 of that.
But, car will be paid off in the next few months, student loans should be done about 2 years after that, he lock will be done about 2 years after that so 5 years from now it's only going to cost me like $2,500 a month to keep my home.
I have been told that I fit into the Henry class, "high earning, not rich yet".
I just wonder if I can keep going for 5 years to accomplish that or if I should just finish up the house and sell it and pocket the 200k in value it's accrued, pay off any other outstanding debt, and then go find an apartment or something or go travel.
I guess it's a quality versus quantity thing. It's a lot easier for 4 billion people to coexist happily than it is for 8 billion people in the same space.
Our food air and water quality have all dropped dramatically over the last 50 years even though the protections for them have increased.
If half the population did not reproduce then those of us that have grandkids might live in a better world.
"DO i'T"
Number 3 won the gold star for the day
That's for a normal cramp. There are cramps that stretching does not help and you're just going to be in pain for the next 3 to 5 days.
Those are the fucking worst.
The dark Lord gimp demands a sacrifice. I don't make the rules