Nobody who does that is going to read, let alone understand, this valid criticism of their methodology
The right wing viciously hates America despite their rhetoric to the contrary.
You cannot hate your fellow countrymen and seek actively disenfranchise them by dismantling the rule of law and the right to vote while at the same time purporting to champion "American Values".
MAGA are not patriotic Americans anymore than Mussolini supporters were "patriotic Italians". Just a grab bag of classless opportunistic assholes with a vision that extends no further than the tip of their dick.
Absolutely. Bio-chemistry, astrophysics, imaging, diagnostic testing...
Everybody is stuck on how it can make text/video/pictures which is neat but not nearly as useful. This will just be used for porn/scams/ads overwhelmingly.
However, parsing huge datasets and extrapolating impossible to detect patterns and subsequent correlation of seemingly unrelated phenomena is going to be lit 🔥
You aren't trying to suggest that experienced Linux users are a bunch of arrogant fart-sniffing a-holes who expressly enjoy gate-keeping inexperienced users by being as condescending and unhelpful as possible?
Methinks Niel enjoys the smell of his own farts a little too much
Everyone knows the problem and Trudeau's bucket of platitudes is useless, but neither do I see PP or Singh proposing anything radically constructive about solving any of this either.
I feel like whether we get a new govt or keep the old one it's not gonna make much difference the basic systemic failures of our entire system being based on endless growth.
Nationalize Boeing now
They just want to murder their way to a just and harmonious society. How can we achieve a just and harmonious society without consequence free political violence?
Hard right folks don't like teaching the history of the consequences of hard right political movements. Those histories never end with a country full of happy economically secure people just living their lives because the only thing fascists can do is destroy everything.
I want to live in a country where anyone can practice unlicensed medicine from a parking lot because I am a librarian
Personally I would enjoy spending $100k+ to get to be the beta tester for a half-baked product
Yea that was my takeaway too. The consequences may not have been as wide spread as the others but as far as dick moves go it was kinda the worst one.