I agree
Not something Daniel Suelo buys
And Jesus flips tables that have too much revenue on them
Yes if they tempt you to be imperfect
Hat only breeds hat
More precisely, you end up feeling more like a victim of the negative emotions that tempt you
Submit your algorithms under GPL
Don't worry, this was the funnest thing to do before enough people showed up
Also, prom is not a freaking sacrament
My Catholic high school has a teacher who is an adult convert and he's like "Don't make a short circuit with the ammeter or you'll die and YOU'LL GO STRAIGH TO HELL!!! jk there's a fuse" and "Eh that's good enough for Catholic school work" and he shows us videos about the connection between math and God
Body self dualism
I use reddit but most of my comments are about lemmy
I love you