ok yes
but also YES
Still don’t know why he’s being charged.
I have hard evidence he was smoking weed with Tupac and me in a nonextraductable country.
I like Voyager because I still miss Apollo.
One dumb thing Biden did.
Should’ve forced the CCS chargers just to give Musk the finger.
She is only saying this in the House because of debate immunity.
Challenge her to repeat those statements outside the chamber, and she will clam up because then she won’t be protected against slander claims.
I have no idea why he was arrested.
We were chilling on my yacht in the Mediterranean that day. Tupac brought the blunts.
The anger is rational.
We don’t like rolling dumpster fires.
It literally plugs into the wall.
They are being assholes.
Like, CJ or either BW are entitled, stuck up, sellout, pick-me’s that deserve to be the ones under the bus they want to throw the rest of us under, but they are still women.
Psychotic, self hating, pitiable women, but still women.