H Y P O C R _ S Y

"I'd like to buy a vowel."

My opinions are mixed. I like living here in general. I don't like the extremely rapid transformation of Benton & Washington counties into a vast sea of urban/suburban sprawl.

We also have tons of serious social problems that get very neatly painted over by the relentless construction and "newness".

I'm sure when Tom and Steuart have spent hundreds of millions of Jim's money to transform this area into the "biking capital of the world", all our problems will be solved. ..ha ha.

"Softly" by Gordon Lightfoot is one of my favorite songs. On the surface it appears to be about a woman but I don't think it is. I was listening to it one time when it just popped into my head, "Holy shit. He's talking about the moon."

I thought about writing him to ask if I was right and I kind of regret that I didn't while he was still alive. The man was a poet of highest caliber. If you like or can at least listen to folk music, the album "Gord's Gold" lives up to it's name.

Headlines a short time later...

"GOP Proposes Banning Sacrificial Death Miracles"

AP News - Decrying the seemingly miraculous events of last week as "blatant socialism" and, rather ironically, "part of the woke agenda", house Republicans have introduced a bill that would make sacrificing ones life altruistically a felony. When asked how they planned to prosecute the rotting corpse of the accused were the bill to pass, House Speaker Mike Johnson acknowledged the steep uphill battle, stating, "we will leave no gravestone unturned when it comes preventing ordinary Americans from having God-like benevolence and generosity forced upon them against their will."

"...Well either you are closing your eyes to a situation that you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the ~~presence of a pool table~~ disappearance of household pets in your community! Weeeellll you got trouble, my friend. I say, trouble right here in River City."

Also trickiest step to liberating Kuwait.

"Oh, you're gonna cut ME off you little shit!? We'll see about that."

A repressive regime that becomes less repressive during a global pandemic is highly suspicious. Gotta keep up appearances.

This particular stopped clock just happens to be opportunistic.

He's Not What I Expected (sh.itjust.works)
Self Host Pen Testing (sh.itjust.works)

Anyone have any good external pen testing tools that you've used on your self hosted setup? Mine is pretty secure overall but I would like to be able to scan the WAN for vulnerabilities or misconfigurations just to make sure I haven't missed anything.

Poor Poor Pitiful Me (sh.itjust.works)
NFC Championship (sh.itjust.works)

Well shit. I was really hoping Detroit would go all the way. And that's something I never would have expected to say.


I have to preface by saying that this isn't really related to Home Assistant. I can't find a more generic home automation community on Lemmy and I figured someone here might have some experience with this so I hope is post is allowed.

I have a large masonry fireplace that I'm fixing some issues with. It has a fresh air intake that I'm venting outside the house. Code says the air intake also has to have a damper which can be closed to prevent the fire from burning out of control.

I'm planning to use a 24 volt power open/power close damper. I want to be able to modulate it with a wall control where it can be set in increments somewhere between 0% and 100% open. I'm sure I could engineer a creative solution but I wanted to see if anyone else had a simpler way of accomplishing this first.


I appreciate the fact that some employers recognize that some of their employees struggle with cognitive disorders. But, asking someone with ADHD to click through a very boring presentation about neurodiversity is almost peak irony. Not to mention, trying to distill such complex disorders down to one sentence is practically guaranteed to fail.

Props for trying I guess.


I've been taking 70 mg Vyvanse for years. It generally works well. Although there are occasional days where I feel like maybe it's not quite as effective as it should be. That probably has more to do with outside stressors and diet than anything. By this point I've built up some tolerance to it. I know a lot of other people try to take breaks from their stimulus occasionally to try to help with the tolerance.

Well, I've learned that that is not for me. I tried taking breaks two Saturdays in a row and holy shit, the anvil-on-chest anxiety is more than I can take. Feelings of dread that I have not felt in years come bubbling right back to the surface.

This is something that I have, in the past, tried to explain to parents who are apprehensive about putting their kids on stimulants. For me, the worst part about ADHD isn't the poor short-term memory, it isn't the inattentiveness, It isn't even the "inner restlessness". It's the emotional dysregulation. The fact that it makes me feel anxious and depressed all the time and I can't just shrug it off. It's like a dark cloud hanging over you and no matter how much you wish it would go away, it never does. And, if you don't want your kid to kill themselves or develop substance abuse issues, then you need to try to help them get a handle on it while you can.

It took me 28 years and becoming a borderline alcoholic to get the help that I needed. I guess if I didn't get anything else out of my experiment, I got a reminder to not take what I have for granted. Getting my meds dialed in dramatically improved my quality of life.

Milling Cedar Log (sh.itjust.works)

Ripping a board that I milled from a cedar I recently cut down. Made the initial cuts with a chainsaw and used the Craftsman to straighten it out. There are honestly better tools for this but it's a one time project I'm working with what I've got.

We Shall Never Surrender (sh.itjust.works)

I'm a long time PocketSmith user currently switching to Quicken. PocketSmith is a decent product but has some glaring issues that don't seem to be on their radar and I feel like my finances have honestly become too complex for PocketSmith's simplistic philosophy.

Quicken is the 800 lb. gorilla of personal finance and has been for decades. It's fairly complex but also way more feature rich than most personal finance software. My main complaints about it are that it's a (mostly) Windows Desktop only platform and that handling attachments is more time consuming than PocketSmith. In reality, PocketSmith doesn't handle attachments that well. I just built an app to help streamline the process which is not an option with Quicken.

We run a couple small businesses along with our personal finances, which Quicken accommodates just fine.

What personal Accounting software are you using and what do you like about it?

It's A Walk Off (sh.itjust.works)
[-] jubilationtcornpone@sh.itjust.works 293 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I can't think of a worse marketing strategy for a company that relies on remote work to remain relevant. This would be like if General Motors forced every employee within 50 miles of an assembly plant to ride a bike to work.

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