I now wonder what impact cycling has. Obviously, the tires are much smaller and supporting far less weight, but I’m sure I’m still spewing rubber when I brake.
Idk, every woman I’ve talked to about this seems to have an opinion, and they disagree with you.
I do work in tech, but a lot of what I do now is physical setup. I could not do my current role fully remote, and these jobs only exist in cities or in fairly large companies. Eventually I’d love to move away from the city and work remotely, but that’s not possible right now. I wasn’t trying to generalize to the population as a whole, I was making a comment on my specific experience.
I’d probably stop drinking beer if I were you.
Yea, I work in a windows shop. All this shit is turned off for any device in our domain. No BYOD either.
Insurance is generally not in the business of breaking contracts. If they have a legitimate reason to not pay, they won’t, but they won’t screw you over just because they don’t feel like paying. The risk is too high
I would love to take a peek at this recipe. I’ll probably try a softer boil on the eggs, get that silky yolk
I was on Narwhal before, but a lot of the design is similar.
Meat. I live on the other side of the country from my family, and the only way I can have enough time to visit them is by some form of high speed transit. Since there’s no high speed train in the US, I’m stuck flying.
I would’ve expected feathers in this case
I do it almost weekly for my job. I need to improve my Unix skills and become a Linux sysadmin
I haven’t changed them on my road or mountain bike yet, and I’ve had them for 4 and 6 years respectively