Simple solution: Don't murder them in New York.
There's more than one variety of class traitor?
It's almost like they're begging for it.
Call it a hunch. But I doubt it would be the first time he's hit a woman.
I'm in my late forties. I have a regular boring, bull shit life like the rest of you jerk-offs. And I'm fucking tired.
And they expect me to believe this nearly twice my age, bloated saggy diaper is somehow healthier and more energetic than me? What's he pumped up on besides inflated ego and McCrack?
Yeah. Cocaine is ok if you're trying to get an edge on the competition as a stock trader. But, not ok if you're black.
Not only does he give money. He votes.
Remember that when you decide to skip an election.
Literally thousands. That's all the humans that are left.
Can't reproduce bug. Closing ticket.
"The resonance density sounds watered down. Were these grapes picked in the rainy season?"
Fucking clown shoes.
It's a shame it was quick.