The "weak and strong" thing nazis do with Jewish people has always been one of the most ridiculous square circles imo.

They're, apparently, weak, bad, lower, undesirable etc. As such, they should be killed to allow the master race to take charge of everything.

However, apparently, Jewish people are also in charge of all the banks, all the governments and every institution, other than nazi approved ones, as well as being in charge of everything. Ruling from the shadows.

However, by their own logic, that would make the Jews the master race.

I does have a certain "and then the whole bus clapped" energy to it.

Good thing they left reddit and went to 4chan where they could get away from ultra thirsty guys acting all kinds of crazy over women.

[-] 12 points 13 hours ago

"I totally got away with that"

Narrator: they did not get away with it

Maybe a shot of insulin, from the sounds of it.

Ultimately, it was their resistance and their lives that were irrelevant. America got their oil and the CIA got their opium fields. It was no longer worth the cost of keeping American troops there. So, they pass on the burden of protecting their stolen assets on to the native people. Its textbook neo colonialism.

Call that a loss if you like. Some people won big.

Well, its a good job that no one is claiming the fact that Europeans are more free is due to there being more regulations then, isn't it? Otherwise that point might have been relevant and not just mildness regurgitation of propaganda.

Now you get to exploit yourself.


Only on about every independent freedom index ever made. Although, im sure you'll just declare the USA to be more free regardless.

For me, it kept a lot of the worst of the idiots away from places like reddit.

As soon as xitter got bad, lots of them left. You see, those kinds of weaponsied, unhigned right wingers are so repulsive to be around, they can't even stand each other. More so, they dont even want to have a conversation or an exchange of ideas. They literally just want to rant at people, parroting the lines they read somewhere else at anyone they think disagrees with them.

If everyone agrees with you, you have no one to rant at.

Not surprising, our gut flora love the stuff. My old microbio lecturer used to always get his class to run an experiment where people would test the growth of different types of good bacteria found in the gut using different food sources. Some would be random foods, others would be bio active drink made for the task and, ever present, was porridge (about the same thing). Porridge always won.

It also has one of, if not the lowest glycemic index of all carbs.

Facsism is just capitalism when you try to say no.

Understandably, workers didn't like capitalism. So, when they found out about socialism, many of them grouped up and tried to say no. After which, facsism was made to counter this.

So, I mean literally fascism is just capitalism when you try to say no. You only get mercan staal neo classical economics because you say yes.

If only there was some kind of proven road map where countries who has been dominated by their ruling elite using the two party trick went on to form a kind of labour movement that forced a third choice on the ruling class....

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