Orders already routinely get ignored, it just doesn't get reported or logged. Maintenance isn't actually done as written, or in the periodicity specified. Corrective maintenance isn't actually done correctly, substitutions aren't actually authorized properly. Gauges aren't actually read, valves aren't actually checked, and the sentries are neither alert nor roving. The IDs aren't actually checked and the guard just waves people through unless there's an inspection going on and the supervisor is there.
That's not even getting to the officers sweeping all this under the rug to look good on evals. Or the commanding officers ignoring stuff to get the ball rolling faster than the next commanding officer, to get that promotion. Equipment failures don't get reported, personnel issues are just covered up - especially when everyone knows that so-and-so technician is doing this unauthorized vice, but we need said technician so nobody says anything, including back in Don't Ask Don't Tell. No, sir, I don't know where the flamboyant individual is, probably doing the extremely essential maintenance only they are qualified for, sir. Definitely not in the parts locker with another individual of the same sex, which I'm standing in front of to prevent you from entering.
Whoops, looks like the gender and sex record of the individual had a glitch at some point, must have been IT and Admin again, amirite? Well, the system says he is and has always been a man, sir, says it right there in the computer.
I don't think he's ever heard of "fragging", "mutiny" and the extreme disdain the enlisted already have for REMFs.